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This comes to mind today ~ ~

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Today, though cold and rainy, right now I'm contemplating, feeling thankful over our Exalted Lord God and Christ's gift to His children invited to know Him ~~

. . this comes to mind: "How can ANY creature (including Lucifer, now satan) possibly ‘think’, then declare before the Uncreated God: . . , “I will be like the Most High God” . .
. . . God Almighty’s response?: “Let us make mankind (weak, frail, limited, and fallen) in OUR IMAGE , , ” ~ ~ ~ No wonder the arch-enemy hates humanity . . and the Sacrifice of His Son ~ ~

. . ~~ saved IN JESUS, GOD’s very SPIRIT ‘temples’ Himself in the Heavenly Father’s children . . ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ooooh, yes, amen, and Glory to our Majestic God, Infinite and Great makes happen whatever He wills !

~ ~ our LORD GOD has chosen for Himself a Family forever meant to adore Him. . Oh, Uncreated God, we rejoice with thankfulness, how You make happen whatever pleases You, . ., having chosen for the joy set before You, a Heavenly family, (made in God's image) ever kept in Christ's Glory and Perfect Light ~ ~

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I do think Lucifer was told that he would have to serve humanity and perhaps this is why he rebelled. He wouldn't humble himself. "Why should I serve little creatures made out of mud!"

Now God didn't instantly destroy Lucifer on the spot. I believe God wanted to demonstrate humility. So, Jesus humbled himself and came to earth to redeem mankind. All of human history, IMHO, is to prove this one point. That whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles themselves will be exalted.

Lucifer wouldn't humble himself and that is where the pride first crept in.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Praise the LORD for His mercy and grace! :yahoo:

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When God made man in his image, it went deeper than just a weak, frail piece of imperfection; we have the image of our Father, just like a child born to two humans, they have their parents combined DNA. So we too have a bit of our Father’s DNA and therefore making us a significant part of God’s creation. Once covered in the blood of our Savior, we are a most precious child with the very ability and soul response of adoration for our Heavenly Father. We are eternal beings, given not just God’s image but also His sacrifice for us. Created once and bought once - Satan can not even begin to imagine the Joy of what God did in our existence. We will indeed be higher on the “food chain” than he was, but only by God’s design, mercy, grace, and steadfast love for His most precious child, humanity.

There in is why Satan has attempted in multiple ways to alter our DNA to become non-human and therefore no longer a creation by God’s design.

James 1:18 “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.” — love that verse! :prayer-hands:

We are more than just a weak, frail, human — we are God’s children — a royal priesthood, ….

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” :prayer-hands: :yahoo:


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I can see multiple reasons why God did not destroy satan!

God doesn't destroy what He has created by way of beings, a large argument against annihilationism!

More specifically, to insure no more rebellions in Heaven as we are tested by the father of all lies and rebellion!

And what God does dismantle He will rebuild!

Satans end already declared, though for 7 yrs he will execute power, he has had 6 thousand years to destroy God's love relationship with man!

Having not been forgiven or offered  God's heart, his heart is insanely jealous!


Patricia N.
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I sometimes wonder if Satan would repent (although we know he won't), if God would forgive him or the fallen angels?  How could he have rebelled, knowing God and living in the glories of heaven?  Pride.  I used to think that pride was not such a bad thing, but now I have acquaintances who just have to be "right" about everything; it's so annoying.  Yes, now I realize that Pride is a great sin.

Our God is so merciful that I imagine he might forgive even Satan.  Although Jesus died to redeem people, not angels.

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I think this is what ticks off the demonic realm so much … they are so jealous in the fact we are made in God’s image and He died for only mankind and in the next life perhaps they know already the things God has planned for us to enjoy and the higher level positions over the angelic realm too. Angels will be servants to our beck and call? :unsure:

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Their shortsightedness has enveloped many!

While at a fast food restaurant recently, a young girl expressed she didn’t believe in God, Heaven or Hell!

I quickly responded that through NDE many have seen Heaven, hell and God!  And that I personally take great comfort in knowing that God exists!

