Things being held b...
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Things being held back until after The Rapture.

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Did you count Joshua as a leader?

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I didn't count Joshua. I think I should. Take Yigal Allon out from the list. Then Moses+Joshua+12 judges+42 Kings of Israel and Judah+ 13 modern day Prime Minister (Gantz is the 13th PM) = 69 leaders. Gantz is still the 69th leader. Jesus is the 70th King of Israel and Judah!!!

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Well,  that seems to work.  70 is obviously a very significant number. Good find.  Smile

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Thanks for reminding me to add Joshua to the list.

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@2ndcoming thanks for pointing that out to everyone and I did notice that myself before I posted that thread I made about ancient and modern day Israeli leaders. I even noticed online back then that other people had different lists as to who were official Judges back in ancient Israel and if I remember correctly some of those lists had more than 13 people as ancient Israeli Judges. Anyway the person who put that theory out there did not include Yigal Allon on their list so I haven't been counting him either although every once in a while I wonder If God was counting him Especially when I heard that Ehud Barak might run again so I had to check who was number 12 because if Ehud Barak was number 12 then he could also be number 13 (he was number 10 or 11 depending if God is counting Allon.

Anyway given how close we probably are to The Rapture (this year or next me thinks) I would say that the theory I posted is looking pretty solid so far And if Gantz takes over around next November it would be perfect timing for the 13th Prime minister of Israel to take office when the AC is also officially revealed, and the Tribulation officially begins all at the same exact time. That's 3 things that could seriously happen 18 months from now : )

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Gantz should be the 13th modern day PM. Bibi has an agreement with him to rotate office for every 18 months. Let's say this agreement comes in execution on this April. He comes to power between Nov 2021 to April 2023, then Nov 2024 to April 2026. If my timeline is correct, mid-trib happens in the fall of 2024, he is the Prime Minister when times of Jacob's trouble occurs. He may very well be the 69th leader of Israel.

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I think Gantz really is # 68 and hands Israel over to The official AC who is # 69

Or I should say Gantz should be # 68 Who knows what will happen over the next 18 months. Maybe somebody else could sneak in as # 68

And great work showing that Jesus will be # 70 that one seems pretty rock solid to me !

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It's going to be a bumpy roller coaster ride!  I'm riding with Jesus!  TR

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Some more things I don't think will happen while we are still here.

Damascus becoming a 100% ruinous heap (Right now it's probably 75% there)

Ezekiel 38/39

America and/or Israel having an all out war with Iran. (Iran is asking for it but I don't think it will happen before we leave)

The Cleveland Indians winning a World Series. The last time they won one was in 1948 of all years lol

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I've seen more than I need to!  God's timing is perfect.  Makes ya wonder what else we will be allowed to witness before we leave?!

I don't think it will have to do with specific events per se, but rather the level of depravity that man will sink to!

As men glory in their goodness and accomplishments, God will reveal the total depravity of their hearts!  Their desperate wickedness will sink into the mire of unseen levels.  Their being cast into Hell will leave no one to question God's righteousness!



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