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Global battle erupts as Trump pulls WHO funding over coronavirus response


~ ~ "President Trump’s decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization amid the coronavirus crisis touched off an international war of words overnight as Democratic lawmakers in Washington as well as international bodies like the European Union condemned the move.

The president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread."   . .

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I just noticed your post.  I see that Gates was also on the board of Berkshire Hathaway!  VERY interesting because that is Warren Buffett’s corporation.

“Bill Gates resigned from the Microsoft Board of Directors today, just a few hours after he ALSO resigned from the Board of Berkshire Hathaway.”

Hmmm ... I wonder if Arnold is in hiding too?  This is an old picture of Buffett, Arnold with Lord Jacob Rothschild on his English Estate.




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My head is spinning from all the information and chain of events.  It seems we are in a constant state of crises; both real and imaginary.  That video on Bill Gates is stunning.

A few good things about being quarantined is that people have time to do things they didn't have time to do before and to reach out and help others, which is fantastic.  However; we also have a lot more time to research and learn about what is really going on in the world.  We have more time to talk to our friends and share with them the things we learned and don't hear in the media.  Now our friends have started researching and learning things and pass it on.......... This is a very good thing and it may be an unintended consequence.B-)

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Here is an excellent video by Dana Ashlie:

This has all been planned.

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Check this out ....

Bill Gates’ patent virus vaccine ...

The ‘publication date’ of the patent shows up as March 26, 2020 and, perhaps more interestingly, the ‘publication number’ is WO/2020/060606:

Credit: WIPO IP Portal

Some believe the publication number can be broken down (WO2020666) to mean something ominous: World Order 2020 666.

Others go even further: this new system is allegedly related to the roll out of Digital Identity Alliance (ID2020) and will aid Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates in vaccinating and microchipping every human being in the world.

This will all supposedly be done under the guise of eradicating COVID-19.

Filed under Conspiracy

Main Image Credit: E&T Magazine

- Fair Use -


Also in March they claim his vaccine will not be ready until 18 months ... that would make his vaccine ready by Feast of Trumpets Sept 6-8, 2021.  Hmmm ... could that be the start of the tribulation?  Not that the church hast to still be here until Sept 2021 ... we are probably long gone in 2020 ... then chaos unfolds ... G/M attack happens ... then the AC rises with the answers and confirms the Peace Plan.  Or could the start of the tribulation be this Feast of Trumpets Sept 19-20, 2020 and by the time his vaccine is ready its next Feast of Trumpets but then Revelation 6:12-17 occurs ... and the elite run and hide in their underground shelters and the MOB roll-out gets put off until mid point of the trib.?


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Here is the snap shot of the WIPO IP Portal info:

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Creepy Geri, thankful we will be at a feast, no vaccine for me. :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Ever notice how the word "flu" is always left out?!  Using a lab designated term they hope to maximize the fear factor.  Sad that as anal as people have become over a flu, can you imagine how people will turn against friends and relatives on issues of faith!!!  TR

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