We (who have been born-again) have made our choice. We are ready to go -- please come NOW Jesus!!! The Choice This world is so contentious, Heartless and filled with strife, The next world will be quite a contrast: PARADISE and ETERNAL LIFE. Yet, this will only be for the forgiven, Those cleansed by the Blood of Christ, The unrepentant will be left in shock, On the day of the Rapture heist. The CHOICE is now -- a verdict is required, It can no longer be put on “hold”, You can choose to anguish in flames of fire, Or saunter on the streets of gold. You can love this world and lose your soul, Or you can set your sights on High, You can waste your time building ephemeral treasures, And in your sins you will surely die. Why is it so hard to humble the heart? Why must selfishness rear its head? Jesus died on The Cross to free us from sin, So that we may live sanctified instead. But that Blessed Gift is often refused, The unremorseful taunt it with utter derision, In their arrogant pride they reject their Savior, While remaining haughty in their dreadful decision. Why would anybody look to Heaven, And then disregard that blissful CHOICE? The time of assessment is now upon us, God bless those who hear His Voice! The Bride will soon be at the Banquet, Joined by their dearly-departed friends; Jesus will consummate our marriage, IN A PARADISE THAT NEVER ENDS!!! I hope we are soon face-to-face instead of typing words on a computer. Your pal, Humbly Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. It's simple, if you don't love Christ or Christian's, maybe Heaven is not for everyone! The choice isn't based on logic, but rather a commitment! TR amen, . ~ ~ our GOD chose to shed His Blood to save us, ~ ~ Christ Jesus ever exalted above all . ~ the Greatest Sacrifice ever given pleasures the Father, and the Spirit is Glorified, in celebration of our God, yea, the 3 in ONE invites us into His Heart, and His Spirit in us ~ The Holy Spirit is to the world a restrainer! To the believer, He guides us into truth, teaching us His way's! And lastly, He is heaven's Holy hound seeking out and convicting fallen man of sin! While wooing us with the deepest expressions of God's heart! TR
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July 5, 2020 5:58 am
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July 5, 2020 6:43 am
July 5, 2020 8:08 am
July 5, 2020 8:36 am
July 5, 2020 1:07 pm