The calm before the...
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The calm before the storm...

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What about mask, says right on the box does not protect you from covid virus even if worn properly, many health professionals say wearing them can even be harmful. BACTERIA  are very large compared to viruses. Whats this about? Can you say fear and control. This is the storm. They just deceive all they can.

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Nail on head, this is demonic activity.

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Blake, research shows you also decrease your bodies challenge on your fighting immune system, it is designed to battle or it turns on self (increases in autoimmune responses is happening) .... lockdown and mask wearing is harmful. Not to mention (discussion on another thread) increase in hypoxia (low oxygen) and hypercapnia (increase of CO2 - yep what we’re not supposed to breath ).  Crazy prevails :wacko: :calvin

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I can feel the wind picking up,  the temperature dropping and the first few large raindrops falling.

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They made the masks mandatory in southern Vermont - no mask/no purchase ... and its very hard for me to breathe with it on especially in this  heat wave (high 90’s) and if the store doesn’t have their AC on ... I feel like I’m  suffocating so I don’t stay long inside those stores.

Its hard for me to gage if crime has increased because I live in a VERY rural area and the local paper only comes out once a week.  Top story last Friday was  “The Burglary”.  A New Hampshire guy drove over the border and tried to rob a convenient store after hours.  He drove a stolen vehicle but his image was capture on camera so the local police were able to apprehend him right away.   That’s about it with the excitement.  B-)

The high school graduates had their ceremony outdoors and marched with facial masks on while their loved ones and friends sat 6 ft apart with their masks on.  They had high hopes though with signs “Congratulations! Class of 2020 the best is yet to come” 😉


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Did I mention I want to be Raptured!

I was also wondering about co 2.  TR

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Yes TR - that’s called hpercapnia. Long story, short! The carbon molecule knocks off the oxygen molecule from red blood cells (carries your oxygen & nutrients to organs). The red blood cells (RBC) have a greater affinity (like cotton candy) love for CO2 over O2 attached to RBCs. I can place someone in a pure oxygen tank (Hyperbaric chamber) to try to force or knock off the CO2 from RBCs and if there is great amount of CO2, such as Carbon Monoxide poison or divers with a bad mix or surface too fast — I loose. Brain death occurs. so many people are literately committing a slow brain cell death —- remember, brain cells and nerve cells don’t regenerate like many other body cells. So we end up with even more wack-a-doodle folks or as demonstrated with increase of 5G - drop dead folks in the middle of public related to an accumulation of CO2 and microwaved technology, cookin the brain into overload. Eternity ticket has been punched! We so need to go! :prayer-hands:

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The world is being lulled into a false sense of security.  Like rocking a crying baby!  Then bam.


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Has anyone noticed that even though the riots continue, COVID still “priority one”, election upheaval, wars and rumor of wars, famine, weather. Up side down .... life seems to go on and acceptance or a settling for this new normal is just here! It’s certainly appears to be a calm before the storm. Yet disaster is occurring all around us. True believers have a sense of calm, demonic activity is raging among the lost, but day by day is marching onward. Very weird indeed....we are ready to go upward. :prayer-hands:

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Indeed surreal!  Watching the enemies of Christ expose themselves, and seeing the AC waiting in the wings!


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