A departed human spirit either goes to be with the Lord, or is cast out of his presence into Hades. There are no other options. I must conclude that any spiritual manifestations appearing to be deceased humans must be imposters. I believe they are demonic spirits emulating people, the thing I find interesting is they only seem to show up when very few people are present. I think there main purposes are to: frighten, confuse and deceive. Fear is the absence of faith in God. The enemy takes advantage of us when we are afraid. The belief in ghosts contradicts the Bible. Like David said, there are only 2 destinations after you die. This causes confusion, and people ask, "Did the Bible really say.....?" There is no doubt people have felt and seen these entities. So if it is not dead souls, how do they know all about the life they once had? It is because, I believe, demons latch themselves on to certain families and people. They torment them for years, even generations, and then give the information out when mimicking the dead person. It is the same with reincarnation. How can so many people have amazing memories, a lot of the times historical, if it never happened to them? Because a demon is feeding them information about what the demon witnessed first hand. This is deception and it leads so many people away from God. I agree my attacks from my co-worker (who was a witch) in 1998 all happened when I was alone. The days I was home alone I never had hot water when it came time to wash up. The first time it happened I called up my brother to come over and to check out the hot water heater. He didn’t see any problem AND the hot water came out of the faucet when he was there. He gave me a funny look like I was crazy. I apologized for bothering him. However, immediately after he left ... I turned on the faucet and it was cold again! Ugh! I had to keep boiling water in various pots over the kitchen stove and transfer the hot water to the bathtub in order to wash up. When I prayed ... the land line phone would always ring even after I unplugged the line from the wall socket. :wacko: When I read my Bible the lamp light bulb would always get unscrewed. I had a red amaryllis plant in full bloom and said out loud “oh how beautiful”. I went into the bathroom to put water in the watering can and I heard a loud crash. I found the ceramic pot cracked and in many pieces on the floor, the plant stem violently broken, the red flowers scattered and dirt was all over the room. That bulb never bloom again. One day as I was in my bedroom getting ready for work I clearly heard my mom’s voice on the other side of the bedroom door calling my name 3 times. I kept saying what? But no answer. I got up to see what she wanted. She was not in the house ... she was in the driveway backing up her car and was heading down the road. Later I asked her if she said something to me while I was in my bedroom before she left. She said no. I told her what happened. She was upset with all the junk I was facing and said you got to try to ignore it and not think about it. Then we went shopping together. I kept hearing her call out my name while I was in a different aisle. I went up to her to ask what she wanted and she claims she didn’t call me. It was clearly her voice I heard and my name being called. She said again you got to stop dwelling on this stuff. I went to pay for the 75% off Christmas item ... the total came to $6.66 :wacko: and I looked over at her and said that’s kind of hard to do. She didn’t know what to say after that. Yes, I firmly believe demons can take on the voice of our loved ones and friends and trick people into believing they are contacting their long departed loved ones, when they are only communicating with demons. Thanks for all the input. Indeed, they are demonic manifestations. Such a simple deception, but effective. It could only take a supernatural (interdimensional) spirit to imitate someone's relative. Funny how so many fall for this lie. It is understandable that we all have concerns and questions and seek out those who have gone on before. This seems to be a universal occurrence. Let us not forget the beggar that went to Abraham's bosom and the rich man pleading for help for his family. Then we come to the witch at Endor. Wasn't she surprised when God allowed Samuel the prophet to be raised, rather than a demonic manifestation of a ghost. In this we learned that only God could truly accomplish this feat. As He chose to do so in this one instance. Showing He is Lord the quick & the dead! TR Touching along the paranormal, was Samuel raised in body or spirit? Did Moses & Elijah appear on the Mt of Transfiguration in body or in glorified bodies? Hmmm! Speaking of these things would be like someone trying to explain the theory of relativity to a golf ball. Guess I'm a golf ball! TR