Dear mods, Thank you for the hard work that you do and for keeping us safe on this forum. Yohanan, I remember you posted once that you have not been active on the forum for a while but you have been checking in once in a while to make sure no wolves have crept in. (you said something like that) I was touched when I read that. Thank you caring and for wanting to keep us safe. We need it. I have been part of a life group for almost 8 years. We have been doing well. A few months ago a new lady joined us. The leader of the group did not have time to prepare material for every week so she wanted us to take turns leading. Two weeks ago, the new lady led the group. She started defending a transgender minister who got fired. She kept going on about God loving homosexuals and transgenders (which is true) and how a person's lifestyle does not matter. A person can be a good pastor, what he or she does in the bedroom is their own business. She also said a lot of things that were not scriptural. I kept looking at the leader, wondering when she was going to stop her but she never did. Another member of the life group ( I am only going to mention her first initial which is L. ) said that she does not want us to discuss these topics and that we should know that this upsets her. The lady kept going on and L. logged off her computer. I thought she must be in distress. I texted her. She was in distress. L said that the she told this lady during the last session, which I missed, that this topic upsets her and she does not want it to be discussed yet she kept on going about it. She said she was confused and does not know if she is a Christin anymore. I told her there is a lot of false teaching going on and that she is a Christian. Anyway, L left the life group. I wrote an email to the others correcting all the scripturally wrong things that were said and mentioned that we should have been kinder to L. and not let her get distressed. The leader of the group sent an email saying that our life group has ended. She said she is going to talk to someone from the church and that, at a later time, we might talk again about this or regroup. So, we did not have a life group since last week when people could use the support right now. Mods, thank you again for caring and watching out for false teaching. We need this. Heidi Heidi, I am so sorry for what happened to this lady and your group! You are correct the delusion and incorrect doctrine is leeching into every area. Believers have to constantly be on their guard (the full armor) to discern truth. I am notorious for saying that satan gives us the partial truth and then peppers it with the 5% lie that leads us down the wrong path. Take heart — we will soon be in the presences of truth, righteousness, steadfast love, justice, mercy, and kindness of our Heavenly Father. Oh and yes I would agree the Mods are pretty great on this blog —- very appreciated for all they do —- :thankyou The mods are great here. It is often a thankless job but God is keeping track. Amen! This is my "safe room" - where I know I can come to hear the truth, share the truth, and stand in the truth. Thank you mods for keeping it a safe place and thank you sisters and brothers for standing together and not wavering. Thank you for all of your kind comments. :rose: I think I speak for the other mods in saying it is truly our honor to serve the Body of Christ. This is my safe place, too Todd. It's a place to be surrounded by fellow believers while we wait the return of our King and I can't think of a better group of people to wait with. Aaah, double-portion of chocolate for you tonight! TR :thankyou Thanks to all the Mods for all the hard work they do. May God Bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you brothers and sisters. It is our safe place, all of us here as Todd said. Waiting and laboring for and with Him while we wait for our One and Only Savior to bring us to Himself in the air. It's an honor for each of us to be part of so great a Family of God!
More jewels in their crowns that they can cast at the feet of Jesus. God will be glorified by their good works.
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