Storm clouds approa...
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Storm clouds approaching....

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As we see prophetic storm clouds approaching we are quietly resigned to keep watching.  Not really much more left to debate it seems!  After these many years of speculative teachings I am resigned to simply say:  we're going home!k  I don't intend to rearrange the chairs on the Titanic as the ship of this life is also sinking.  All that seems to be left is to continue to exhort, reprove and rebuke the sins of men as we lift and encourage one another to hold on to the very end!  Surely our time of testing is still present, but one day soon it too shall end!  When is up to the Lord.  Praying that His mercies, protection and provision continue for each of us, by His boundless grace!  Always we are loved with a pure and holy, Godly love that will never leave us, nor forsake us!  Though our strength may fail, never let our hope grow weak!  TR
