Goody goody, one day closer! TR The devil is patient. He's been plotting and scheming for 6,000 years. What's a few more to him? Plus the devil and his minions don't have any choice in the matter. When Almighty God says it is time for the Tribulation, it'll happen. Not when these reprobates want to do things. They think they are in control when they are not. When the Restrainer is removed is when they can enact all their plans. Until then, they will be suitably restrained. :good: It cannot get here soon enough! Just a matter of time! "Ain't it funny how time slips away"?! TR Surprise us Lord! Go ahead, I dare you! TR Yes please Lord, snatch us right outta here NOW! :flyup: If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then bad intentions insures eternal membership! TR So I’m good with the any minute theory as most who know me already know, but I will say this Friday is the first day of 4th month at sundown, which for us on the east coast is around 1300 and if the midnight call comes that’s approximately 1800, give or take an hour depending on the sun, is very promising. Although we are still in the season of the wheat harvest until August and then the barley harvest. I'm truly not convinced we can make it even to the end of this year without some truly intense events occurring. Looking at weather patterns, politics, increase in insanity, increase in demonic occurrences, global reset agenda, increase in the “UFO” agenda, Middle East mess, every country in economic crisis like never before, just to name a few. We need to GO, NOW!!!! :prayer-hands: The increase and acceleration of the plans of men and demons certainly shines a light on the dwindling number of days! TR Hey Tammie: You said above, 'Friday is the first day of 4th month at sundown, which for us on the east coast is around 1300 and if the midnight call comes that’s approximately 1800, give or take an hour depending on the sun, is very promising.' Can you please expand on this '1st day of 4th month' idea....heard it mentioned before but don't understand it's significance. Thanks!
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