Sooooooo thankful ....
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Sooooooo thankful .. I know you all here are too ~ ~ Hallelujah!

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Since JESUS IS the JUSTIFIER over our salvation, we are deeply thankful ~ ~ . . . . . Oh, how Magnificent IS OUR ADVOCATE, yea, The Glorified Son risen standing before Father God announcing: "The saved are Mine" . . . ~~
~ ~ GOD WILL NEVER DISOWN ONE WHO HAS BEEN BORN-AGAIN. He will NEVER cast away the blood-bought believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. IF God did that, He would be "unfaithful" and UNJUST . . I AM SO THANKFUL FOR GOD'S AMAZING GRACE.
~ ~
What Does It Take To Lose Salvation?
By Dr. Roger Fankhauser ~
Some people have heard the sad words, "we're disowning you" or "we're writing you out of the will". Some think something comparable can happen to the believer; God can "disown us" under certain circumstances. Have you ever thought carefully about what must happen for us to lose our salvation? I started making a list in my mind. To lose my salvation for any reason, including for "losing faith", would require God to:
Unjustify us
Unadopt us
Unredeem us
Unreconcile us
Unregenerate us
Unforgive us
Unsanctify us (positional sanctification)
Remove eternal life from us
Uncircumcise our circumcised heart
Disinherit us (remove our birth inheritance)
Unbaptize us (Spirit baptism, 1 Cor. 12:13)
Unseal us (take away the Holy Spirit)
Make both Father and Son release their hold of us (John 10:28-29)
Make the New Creature old again
Transfer us out of the Kingdom of light and place us back in the kingdom of darkness
And most importantly, it would require the faithful, promise-keeping God to be UNJUST and unfaithful (2 Tim. 2:13)
You get the idea. And I suspect there is more we could list. So, "losing my salvation" isn't as "simple" as it sounds. It forces God to undo so much that he has done and so much that he has promised us.
I'm grateful I'm held by His grace.

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Amen! :thankyou We absolutely can not be UNborn again! Praise His Holy Name!


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Also Donna, God must Erase our name out of the book of life — God does not own an eraser that can erase the holy blood of the crucified Christ! Sealed forever by the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13 “ In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,”
Thanks be to a God who is faithful to His promise

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amen, dear sisters Susan and Tammie ~ ~

Truly, the wonder to me is HOW anyone rejects our Amazing Lord Jesus ~ ~ . .
It’s awe-inspiring to realize Jesus Himself invites us to know the Majesty of our God . . . . and it IS forever among the saved . .  ~~
As Tim Keller aptly says: . . “Jesus is both God and human ~~ that gives Jesus an overwhelming beauty.

He is the Lion and the Lamb.

Despite His high claims, He is never pompous; you never see Him standing on His own dignity.

Despite being absolutely approachable to the weakest and broken, He is completely fearless before the corrupt and powerful.

He has tenderness without weakness. Strength without harshness. Humility without the slightest lack of confidence.

He lives and moves with unhesitating authority with a complete lack of self absorption.
He is Holiness and unending convictions without any shortage of approachability. He is Power without insensitivity.

He is filled with ‘surprises’ of perfection”

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When praises go up, blessings come down . . Thank You, Jesus ~ ~

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Amen, Susan . . as you say:  "We absolutely can not be UNborn again! Praise His Holy Name!" . .  

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Thank you so much for this Donna!

A helpful reminder now and then really helps put it into perspective.

I personally needed this at the moment.

It is so easy to focus too much on our failures.

