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Sigh... Another Perfectly Hopeful Moed Bites the Dust

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My favorite day is today!

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In Jewish wedding tradition, it is customary to respond to the question of when the wedding will occur with “I do not know the day or the hour, only my father knows.”  This is because the bride’s father sets the date of the wedding when he is satisfied that all things are ready.  When the wedding day approaches the father gives the all-clear and the groom comes with a shout and a trumpet and takes his bride away for 7 days of rejoicing.

In America, if you mention “turkey day” people will immediately know that you are talking about the holiday of Thanksgiving (which coincidentally just happens to be a major feat day in America).  If you mention “The day of which no man knows the day or hour” to a Jew, he will immediately know that you are talking about the Feast of Trumpets.  That is because the timing of the Feast of Trumpets is predicated on the first sighting of the new moon.  For this reason, the Feast of Trumpets occurs over a two-day period.  Nobody knows the day or hour it will begin until 2 reliable witness reports seeing it to the chief priests.  The beginning of all other moedim is predicated on observing a full moon rather than a new moon

I recently watched the movie Before The Wrath starring Kevin Sorbo, Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, Jan Markell, and JD Farag. In the movie they differentiate a Jewish wedding from a Galilean wedding. Jesus and His disciples were Galileans. In the case of a Galilean wedding the phrase "no man knows the day or the hour" means literally that, concerning when the father would tell his son to go get his bride. Only the father knew. When the father felt the time was right he would tell his son to go claim his bride. Given this, I would say that Matt 24:36 is referring to the Rapture.

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Well nobody yet in this thread touted Song of Solomon chapter 2.  Let's not be too hasty to abandon Springtime.  I've always hated, while it's still Spring, to allow my spirit to hope for Fall - Trunpets...  On the other hand, maybe that's a good strategy avoiding pain in three more encounters until then: Ascension, Shavuot / Pentecost, and second "actual" Pentecost, (50 days after traditional Shavuot), as 2ndcoming and others have espoused...

Oy vey!

:wacko: :unsure: :prayer-hands:

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I am still holding on to my high watch date July 17,18 (50 days from Sivan 6) and Sept 4,5 (leaning toward Sept 4,5). I am also speculating a war shall break out this summer which involves Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Jordan. If this war does break out this summer, I'll be very excited!!! Having said this, Israel still cannot decide which party forms the next government. Will there be a fourth election?

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:mdrmdr:  Yes, the new strategy is I’m keeping my eyes on the ducks lining up.  Looking more at the “when” the vaccine will be ready for while they are saying “peace and safety” and people are celebrating.

From what I read Gates has 7 facilities working on 7 different toxic vaccines for the world but they won’t be ready until 18 more months.  I think his will be the mark of the beast at mid point.  Little does he know Rev 6 scenario having the elite hiding for cover in their underground shelters will keep his roll-out in suspension until mid point of the trib.

Meanwhile I think the harmless vaccine that U.K. Oxford University is creating will be ready by Sept.  people will take it and be well.  Then when Gates vaccines are introduced mid point ... the unsaved will think nothing of taking another vaccine.  :wacko:

I had high expectations yesterday and poof ... it was a BIG let down once more. Cry   Hey I’m all for Ascension Day, Double dose of Pentecost days, etc.  but I’m also being realistic now so I wont be disappointed. On the positive side  I do feel 2020 is the BIG home going year ... just feeling the vibes more for Sept vs. spring/summer.  I hope I’m wrong and would love to leave earlier. :yes:

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I just love spring weddings! :heart: :prayer-hands: Yohanan, I also watch before the wrath and was very encouraged that what God had revealed was awesome to the core. The one thing I somehow missed in my research about Jewish weddings was how the bride is lifted up and carried away! I about came out of my chair when I saw that part! Nope I’m not looking for a feast day rapture, I’m looking for a Spring Evening Wedding (Jerusalem time) and praying the Father tells the son, Go get your Bride! :prayer-hands:

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Revelationchapter12dotcom is holding out for April 15, the last day of the Passover feast.

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Yes, Tammie! Me too. A Spring wedding would be perfect (provided it's Spring 2020 :yes: ) My 'high watch' days are every day now.

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Absolutely 2020! Although, I have heard rumors that some are teaching a 2023, 2025, 2027.... the vaccine will be out just under a year, after the US will not take this vaccine and be without jobs, I will be one of them! Our economy will tank, everything will be upside down, as prophecied, waiting for the man with the plan to rescue! Yep Spring Evening Wedding 2020 is perfect, but although I pray it so, the Father knows. FYI — He is not waiting until the “last soul” is saved because there are souls saved throughout the tribulation —- revelation calls them the martyred trib saints crying out from beneath the throne, how long Lord?..He is long suffering, and not willing that any should parish, some people will literally need the world to crash before they wake up and go “wait my friend, brother, husband, wife, sister, brother, mother, father, uncle, aunt were right, Jesus is real” My heart weeps for them, but they will only have 7 yrs or less (beheading will occur) and the time will be fixed for the second coming, we are on horses following behind our concurring King! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Seems we all have a favorite fallback date!  May God's grace sufficiently keep us all well in our souls!  Again, as anxious as we all are, so is Jesus!  That thought is a comfort to my heart!  Hopefully for you as well.  TR

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