. . . . "the Sanhedrin is moving forward to prepare enough [oil] to anoint the Messiah from the House of David who, when he returns, will rule over Israel in the Messianic era." "Normally, olive oil is made by crushing the olives and then pressing them. As per the Biblical commandment, olive oil for use in the Temple and for anointing is made by smashing the olives by hand and then allowing the oil to drip for several days." “We are now entering the time when the preparations for the Temple are almost complete,” Rabbi Weiss said. “Now is the time for people to act, to show whether they will be part of the Temple or stand against the reappearance of God’s house in Jerusalem.” Now that is a sign! The Tribulation is all about the redemption of Israel and the punishment if the nations for their mistreatment of Israel. Very interesting. :mail: If they are almost ready to receive what will turn out to be the Antichrist, tragically, then we are soooooo close to the Rapture. :yahoo: A crowned messiah, and then anointing of the anti Christ! How much longer can we be here! As they say, watch Israel! Sad that Israel would be the one to usher in the anti Christ, but true! TR Indeed a super sign! TR check out Solomon, crowned on his wedding day. :rose: Song of Solomon 3:11 We will crowns on our wedding day!? Illustrating the wisdom of following Christ! TR Very powerful and fun video from 2018. I’m not 100% in agreement, I’m still holding out for imminent or at best test before 5/14/2022 Oh Israel, Your Messiah came already, died and rose again but you knew Him not. This one coming is a False Messiah. But your eyes will be opened and your hearts will turn back to God. :bible :prayer-hands: When will this anointing oil be ready?! Could be a very telling marker! TR As to the timing, here is another clip from the article: "Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, announced the beginning of the anointing oil project last week appropriately enough just before the holiday of Hannukah in a sermon he gave on the Temple Mount. Rabbi Weiss emphasized that a Kohen Gadol (High Priest) and Temple utensils will be anointed when the Temple service begins, which does not need an actual Temple structure, only an altar." “The Temple and the Temple service benefit all the nations,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “For that reason, we made the announcement on the 27th of Cheshvan, the day that Noah exited the ark and made a sacrifice to God. At that time, God made a covenant with the entire world, promising never to bring another such catastrophic flood but also requiring that mankind perform the Seven Noahide Laws.” "Rabbi Weiss noted that this is also the end of the season for harvesting olives and the beginning of preparing the oil." “In order for the Temple service to return, the nation of Israel must begin to observe the laws pertaining to the land which include the laws of ritual purity,” Rabbi Weiss said. “But in order for the nations to take part in this, they must observe the Seven Noahide Laws.” So, to me, it doesn't seem to be totally clear. But, I have heard that next year the farmers plan to let the land rest. Since they don't need the actual temple though, the oil may be ready sooner. I found this on Google: "Extra Virgin Olive Oil: https://www.oliveoilandbeyond.com/Producing-Fine-Extra-Virgin-Olive-Oil-s/1857.htm
“Go forth, O daughters of Zion, And gaze on King Solomon with the crown With which his mother has crowned him On the day of his wedding, And on the day of his gladness of heart.”
Extra virgin olive oils are produced from the first pressing, which is performed within 24 to 72 hours of harvesting. Mechanical or hand pressing are the only methods used to obtain extra virgin olive oil. No heat or chemical processes are used."
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