I like that timeline. Jesus returns on Yom Kippur 2027. If 2027 is a Jubilee year and there is some evidence that it is, then it would start on Yom Kippur. So, it could still be a September to remember. About the moon appearing orange or pink, it may be from the western U.S. fires. We had those strange colored skies above us in CA even when the fires had moved to the Sierra Mountains. They said it was our usual fog holding the smoke in a layer above us. Now our skies are fairly clear; we sometimes still smell smoke, but on the weather forecast they said winds would soon move the smoke to the east, even to Washington D.C. It would be really interesting if it was the Jubilee year in 2027 if figured by 365 day years and also Jubilee in 2020 if figured by 360 day years, but I'm not going to try to figure it out. Actually, Here on the East coast we typically have a “low” rising moon and often see the reds to oranges and yellows of the moon. For the crescent moon yesterday, looking at it from my window, it was gorgeous orange - yellow with a really cool cloud that moved across the face, awesome, can’t wait to see it from the other side! :prayer-hands: It tends to have a more yellow or orange hue, compared to when it's high overhead. This happens because the Moon's light travels a longer distance through the atmosphere. As it travels a longer path, more of the shorter, bluer wavelengths of light are scattered away, leaving more of the longer, redder wavelengths https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/news/1191/the-moon-illusion-why-does-the-moon-look-so-big-sometimes/ It's called the moon illusion. ... That is, a low moon often appears red or orange in color. That reddish color is not an illusion. It's a true physical effect, caused by the fact that – when the moon is low in the sky – you're seeing it through a greater thickness of Earth's atmosphere than when it's overhead. https://earthsky.org/space/video-the-moon-illusion fair and educational use Aha this makes sense! Thank you, Tammie. Yep, the crescent orange moon was indeed lower - just a little above the mountain top ... then last night it was finally in a higher position in the sky and appeared normal white color once more. I doubt the horrific fires in the West will be much of a disturbance here as we have the jet stream from Canada downward and across the push the cold towards us, therefore blocking most everything East of the Mississippi from ever reaching us and the we have the push back from the turmoil in the Atlantic wind currents that keep us in a “bowl “ affect, herein why we have higher than normal struggles with allergy suffers. Your North East area will be clear of the Atlantic prevailing wind currents, so crisper, cooler air...I so sound have been a meteorologist, love following weather patterns and events :mdrmdr: ... now the west is in for some kind of trouble weather wise related to the man set fires! Bad news bears there! :wacko: Rain through the weekend here. About 5 inches predicted. Don't know about the Excited States of America but things look pretty good in Western Canada, forest fire wise. Interesting hardly covers the days we live in! TR