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I was watching this morning and listening to what's happening in the world & America. I realized 2 voices are talking, one of satan and his lies and God showing us thru His Holy Spirit what is true. Now as it's becoming clearer, who are you listening to and talking about to others?  God is plainly saying thru His Spirit, if you can understand, talk & use His words only to the world, as the world with satan's help is trying to brain-wash our thoughts and minds to talk like satan. Fear, hate, believe the world is right, not God, unsure what God's says, confusing us with lies and not relying on God's word ONLY. Do you feel it, please, we see from God's word the seasons, it's getting MUCH closer to Jesus return, satan is trying to stop us from living our lives each day for Jesus, speak God's words to others, as they speak the worlds word, believe to the end & speak God's words. 

Jesus says: “the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” Jesus spoke only what He heard His Father say, then the Father did the works; just like when He spoke His words, the Universe came into existence. It's that living word of God that brought it forth!

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So I choose the Jesus way with my words, I'm not perfect, but we know when we have Jesus in our heart, we are perfect in God's heart. 

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