Dr Barry Awe has a new video out, giving even more perspective to the Feast of New Wine (Pentecost) and its correlation with 8/9 Av. Quite compelling. He also puts the calendar confusion 'to bed', explaining that Father God only works by the sun, moon and stars. Check it out if you have an hour and a half to spare.
@blue Thank you Blue, I've been watching July 7 which when you use the date of Nisan 1 starting on March 11, Av 1 new moon appears on July 7 and aligns with the day count for Feast of New Wine. Pretty exciting time.
Here is a picture of the Moon phases showing new moon on Sunday July 7, 2024. This is also 50 days since the Feast of Weeks on Sunday May 19. Note that the 50 day count begins on Saturday May 18 which is a Sabbath (7 Sabbaths plus one day)
@rickjones427 No, more like this. I think this one is from Farmers Almanac, but it's the closest example I could find. Even Mr. Google can't find one. Plain old regular calendars had a little picture of the moon phase in the bottom corner of the date square when it changed. I guess nowdays people look it up on their phone somehow.
@rickjones427 Rick, I think early July for Feast of New Wine, makes a lot of sense because it means that the Feast of Oil does not interfere with or land right on top of the Feast of Trumpets. I like Dr Barry Awe, but an August Feast of Wine just seems to cancel out the Feast of Oil.
I suppose that the true FOT could be in late October, early November each year?
@hopeland Thank you Dave. This year abib was very early. Normally it occurs closer to the spring equinox because the weather is warmer, but this year the green grain was early in March. Then when the new moon appeared on March 11 that became the first day of Nisan. Each of the spring and summer feasts have come a month early compared to other years. I have no idea why there is so much confusion about when Nisan 1 occurred but it is also very strange.
Speaking of looking up on their phones nowdays, we were watching an online broadcast of a live prophecy conference. Billy Crone told everyone to get their phones out and find the calculator to see for themselves what he was about to show. We don't have those fancy phones, so I was bewildered. When I realized what he wanted was a calculator, never mind the phone, I got my little desk calculator out of the drawer and could play along.
We finally finished watching Dr. Barry. He presented some very good teaching, especially the last 30 minutes or so, when he showed a list of Old and New Testament events that happened on the 9th of Av. By his counting, he's looking for the rapture around the Feast of New Wine, Pentecost, 8, 9, 10 of Av, which is 12, 13, 14 of August here. His top pick is sunset Jerusalem time August 12 when the day changes from 12 to 13 of August, 8 to 9 of Av.
Sunset in Jerusalem August 12 is 7:26 pm. That's August 12 11:26 am here, Central Time.
Since we're in July now, August doesn't seem as far away as it did. I have plenty of yarn.
God has His appointed time and we are to watch for it, pray for it, and be busy about the Father’s work, until He calls us home! Keep looking up, maybe today! Maybe Tomorrow? And maybe in-a-minute (imminent)!
God’s kind of liberty. Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bond.
Here is the freedom we have thru Jesus, as Jesus is about to return for us, we are so close to see it come to pass. Everything is being set up in the world for this event, we can see the nations are coming together for the AntiChrist to reveal his face. So don't return and be entangled in this world again, life for us is about to change, not as the world is changing, but we're about to fly.
@flyaway-com Amen and Amen! Keep contending for the Faith that He may be pleased with us when he snatches us up. Can’t wait to see the places he has prepared for us. But most of all, cannot wait to see Him face-to-face, and give a big exhale.
I rewatched Dr Barry’s last video. A Feast of New Wine Rapture makes soooo much sense. I hope the Lord agrees 😁. August 13 is the actual HIGH WATCH date. Any date before then would be fine. Anyway, keep in Prayer, The Word, and Fellowship if you can.
@erby Agreed Kent. I also like Barry Awe -- his sincerity is very obvious and he's passionate for the Lord. Luis Vega on Five Doves is also strong on the Feast of New Wine idea. He reckons the date to be 23 July.
@paulr If the Jewish Feasts are all rehearsals for Jesus' appointed times, including the "summer feasts", has anyone discussed the following two questions?
1 ) Why does the Menorah only have seven branches?
2) What does the feast of oil fulfill?
I have two theories on this.
Does the center (higher) candle of the Menorah represent all three summer feasts? Is that why it is higher, because it is a group of feasts?
Could the feast of oil represent the mid-trib rapture of the tribulation saints? Can any connections be drawn between this feast and a mid-trib rapture?
@patrician Oh no problem, I am definitely pre-trib. I was referring to how some talk about a second rapture of the tribulation saints. Not sure if this is biblical or not.
@hopeland These are all good questions, Dave. I don't know if the Menorah is a visual representation of the Lord's feasts. It's an interesting theory...
The signs are everywhere, the prophecies are being fulfilled, and the world system is at a breaking point. Our blessed hope must be very, very close. For me it's almost like these final jigsaw pieces are rapidly falling into place. People who've been in car accidents or in a gunfight during war situations agree that in those intense moments it feels like everything is happening in slow motion. That's the feeling I have right now. I'm at peace (thank you Lord!), but I'm also more than a little bit excited...