I can't wait to be raptured! And to see this movie. I would prefer to participate in our own great disappearance. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Me too Terry! Me too!!! Come Lord Jesus!!! Many bible scholars agree that the second coming of Jesus would be on the Day of Atonement. From Yom Kippur in 2030 minus the 2,520 days (7 years of Israel's tribulation) brings us to October 15, 2023 May it be so. In this prophesy update, Andy Woods interviews Bill Perkins. From about the 11 to 24 min mark they talk about Solomon's treasures that are hidden in Israel and who the 144,000 may be. -Fair Use- I think about Jesus coming and we will all be together in heaven forever, and I can't wrap my head around it. It's just so overwhelming. Just WOW!!!! 20 minute clip Fall of America till the Rapture! Unlikely - Fair Use - I’m really keeping my eye on October 31 :mail: Just learned from Blue .. she saw on Craig Bong’s facebook … about the December Covenant: the rough draft to confirm is to be ready — get this…. 40 days in advance on Halloween :whistle: Makaio’s claims Noah’s flood lands on Cheshvan 17 and that date lands on Halloween/Oct 31st this year. :whistle: And I used to listen to this preacher (Hank Lindstrom from Bibleline) on the radio … he believes Jesus’ Birthday is October 31st. Luke 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. Zacharias temple work ended on July 31st (for the course of Abia priests) so he went home and Elisabeth became pregnant with John the Baptist then 6 months later Gabriel informs Mary she is highly favor and chosen to give birth to Jesus. She goes to visit Elisabeth to tell her the Good News and John the Baptist leaps for joy in Elisabeth womb … then 9 months from January 31st meeting brings us to October 31st. So that is how he gets that date of birth. So can you picture it … as the adults are attending their masquerade Halloween parties - eating, drinking … the rapture happens and on the date of Noah’s flood? Looks like all the ducks are lined up beautifully. B-) The great disappearance.
Anybody else feeling that way?
Survival with Salvation During the Tribulation!