I wanted to comment as someone who for 35+ years has defended my horror movies, Halloween, saying THE SAME things that so many Christian’s say when defending this upcoming “holiday.” ~Matt Hanna I can't stand Halloween! I was invited to a friend's house a few years ago. They were Christians who are active in the church and were celebrating Halloween. The food was disgusting (on purpose) I remember one thing they cooked looked like a brain. I couldn't eat. Their kids were dressed up in costumes that were "OK". don't remember what. for example, one kid could have been a Sheppard..............things like that. I walked with one of their kids in the neighborhood as he was trick or treating. He was around 5. He approached a house where eerie sounds were coming out of the bushes. He stopped and could not go up to where the neighbor was offering him treats. I told him it's OK, walked up with him, took the treats and left. Why do they have to subject kids to such an atmosphere and fear? What is wrong with people and parents? I also couldn't believe the deliberately disgusting meal these "Christians'" prepared. LaVey’s statement is corroborated by a former Satanist, John Ramirez, who said that when you dress up even as an angel or a mermaid for Halloween, “you give the devil the legal rights to change your identity I know you give the demonic realm a foothold, but "legal rights to change your identity?" Interesting! It has an innocent wrapper around it with the costumes and parties and candy but under the hood is evil. What I heard was that October 31 was the date of the flood and Halloween started as a remembrance of it. As with everything, Satan has twisted it. I haven't done the research to back it up, but I am happy to give out candy to the neighbor kids. Also, in our neighborhood people have started having block parties on Oct. 31. Costume parties with bounce houses and fun music for the kids so they can avoid the evil stuff and just have fun. I think people celebrate Halloween because it is not a religious holiday, which would be "devisive." Just like the schools, at least here, do not celebrate Easter, Christmas, etc, but they go all out for "La Dia de los Muertos," the day of the dead. They make skeletons, sculls, anything creepy. I guess it's more woke. While living in the suburb city growing up, we had tons of kids coming to our door. We used to hand out kiddy Bible tracts with the candy so we made that dark holiday a time for witnessing and sharing the light of Jesus. Some of the mom’s would give me a coupon discount to go to their salon shop for a hair cut or have my nails done and I would quickly get an adult Bible tract to give to them. It was cool doing those exchanges. I stopped going out trick or treating when I was in 4th grade with the unsaved neighborhood kids. By 5th grade - 11th grade I had a paper route (about 150 customers) and I wore normal clothes just delivering the newspapers to their homes … you didn’t just throw the paper on their lawn or driveway … you walked up their steps to their front door and placed the paper in their mailbox or they had a slot in the door … so their front door was open and they could see me coming thru their glass storm doors and they wanted to give my real size candy bars … I wasn’t expecting that … and I needed to borrow a paper bag to put all the candy in. Some customers were so generous they would give me 2 or 3 candy bars. The bag became so heavy I had to ride my bike home and dump the loot and then go back out again. I thought it was humorous because I wasn’t trying to go trick or treating but they were practically putting the candy in my hands and wouldn’t take no for an answer. 😆 I agree Heidi … one time I watched on the food network Martha Stewart was making finger cookies. They creeped me out … no way could I eat cookies that looked like real fingers. 😵💫. Last week I had to drive to the bigger city and some people decked out their front porch and lawns with spooky junk … each year gets worse and worse … I see they now display skeletons that look like 8 - 9 foot giants. I’m hoping we leave tomorrow …. Saturday October 14th but if still here … then we need to circle :mail: high watch date … TuesdayOctober 31st because …. Daniel 9:26 Matt 24:37-39 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. I was listening to Makaio’s YouTube’s … I just found out … anybody remember the “unshackled” Bible program on Christian radio? Makaio’s dad worked on that program and so did he. Small world. In the comment section Makaio, that’s so interesting about your dad and Unshackled! When I was 15 (I’m 77 now), I accepted Christ at a Youth for Christ Rally in Oakland, CA and started listening to Family Radio in Oakland, CA, where I lived. They played Unshackled and I listened to many of them. I still can remember lying in bed in my room and listening to the stories. They impacted my life and helped me as I got started on my journey with Jesus. So interesting it was your dad who influenced my life with his productions. What year were you involved in the program? Makaio’s response That’s wonderful, praise the Lord. So glad they had an impact on your life. I don’t remember exactly when I was involved but it was some time ago. My dad was involved for many years. Glad to know they live on in the hearts of others. Another watcher posted I enjoyed listening to unshackled all of my Christian life, awesome to hear your lineage was part of that great show!!! Makaio’s response PTL it was a privilege to be part of it and so glad it was a blessing for you Another person asked Makaio’s response It’s a great question! The truth is we don’t really know. Scripture tells us “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month – on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” So, we know it was the 600th year of Noah’s life, and we know it was on the 17th day of the 2nd month, but 2nd month of what? The 2nd month of the 600th year of Noah’s life? The 2nd month of the year? When did the year start in Noah’s time? How do we know? From scripture, we don’t know. Tradition celebrates Cheshvan as the month of the flood because it is the 2nd month of the Jewish civil calendar, but that really doesn’t answer the question. We know God set the first month as Aviv in the time of Moses, but that doesn’t automatically mean that Tishrei was the first month in the time of Noah, nor that the 2nd month wasn’t referring to his 600th year which would begin at his birthday and not the beginning of the year. So, again, great question! All of that said, this year Cheshvan 17 does conveniently begin on Halloween/Oct 31, sooooo…. Another watcher asked Makaio’s response – Fair Use – And I used to listen to this preacher on the radio … he believes Jesus’ Birthday is October 31st.
I can’t in good conscience defend my old movie choices or this holiday for what it stands for today. God has changed my heart BIG time on this.
Anton LaVey who wrote the satanic Bible, and founded the satanic church who was quoted below in the photo says everything a Christian should need to know here to stop the crap.
LaVey’s statement is corroborated by a former Satanist, John Ramirez, who said that when you dress up even as an angel or a mermaid for Halloween, “you give the devil the legal rights to change your identity.” Ramirez further warned that there’s a much darker reality in Halloween beyond costumes and candy.
There are so many sources for this stuff. Rituals are performed on these nights because they are spiritually charged. Witches, warlocks, Satanists, sacrifice kids on this night.
Halloween did not start with Christian’s. It was never a Christian holiday. If you trace it’s roots back you can easily see it was a Celtic ritual day called Samhain. Let’s not get it twisted folks. This was 500 years B.C. So sorry *buzzer* not a Christian holiday never was, never should be. Catholics tried to change it around 300 A.D.
If we’re gonna defend a terrible position let’s at least read up and get some knowledge before letting your feelings loose.
I just gotta say I’m shocked at how important Halloween seems to everyone. It’s like there’s a spirit of the enemy making y’all mad and trying to defend that day..
Gee I wonder why…
Why would this be such a big one where Christian’s get heated and defensive over? It seems so much easier to not be a part of Samhain in any facet. I think you’ll survive one day a year not actively celebrating this particular day.
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Did the flood of Noah happen in the fall or Spring? I have read about the connection between Halloween & the flood, etc
Isn’t October the 7th month from Nisan?