I don't understand any of the math; even so, come Lord Jesus. Math is not my expertise either. But I’m wondering if someone could do the math calculations with this theory … Craig Bong leans the covenant gets confirmed/makes stronger on December 12th last day of COP28 … and we have Feast of Trumpets still not fulfilled since it wasn’t the rapture event. So wouldn’t that be reserved for the 2nd Coming? :unsure: Or … when Jesus returns by himself as King of Kings and Lord of Lords because … I heard some watchers say Jesus returns first without us … we still stay in hiding up in heaven while He deals with all the nations that divided up the land (Joel 3:2 and 3:12): "I will gather together all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Josaphat: "Then I will enter into judgment with them there", on behalf of my people and for My inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and they have divided up My land."; "Let the nations be roused; Let the nations be aroused And come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side". This location is also referred to as the Valley of Decision. - fair use- So that will take some time … will it be from Feast of Trumpets to Yom Kippur 2030 to get it all done? :unsure: Then we get married closer to the end of the tribulation vs. the beginning so all the guests that made it thru the tribulation (from the sheep vs goat judgement) don’t miss out. Then we return back with Jesus at Feast of Tabernacles to have the wedding feast on the earth for what 7 days? Then the millennium age kicks in? Please let it be Lord, albeit Thy will be done Yes! Absolutely! May it be so, Lord but Thy will be done. Could be …. Per Jewish wedding tradition After the marriage is consummated our 7 yrs. vice the typical 7 days ), the groom announces it to all the wedding guests. For seven more days, the bride and groom remain in the bridal chamber and are waited upon by the wedding party. :unsure: I was just thinking … remember Bob Barber said with the Catholics and those that embrace the idol of Fatima - they were told “don’t worry about October” .. well … did they get the heads up notice about this situation in the Middle East that’s going on? 19:05 minute clip Your Uptime! Get the News Before Its - Fair Use - Could be Geri. That book the art of war was mentioned all thru Trumps years as President. :wacko: :scratch: I heard that only 2% of Israelis have guns. Although they all, even women, serve in the military so apparently they know how to use weapons. Maybe if more of them were armed, they could have fought back when Hamas went door to door attacking them. Wow Geri you were a busy teenage bee!!! So when do we get to go? Lots of videos and updates about what's happening available, but nobody making any connections or theories as to how any of it might relate to the timing of us leaving.
News! We Saw this Whole Mess Coming Miles Away! What's Next? Did your parents get you so busy that you didn't get into trouble?
Yes it's a 3 part movie series.
Hmmm candy vs ear phones.. Yeah I would pick candy too! :yes: