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Guessing the minute ….


Check out these guesses in the comment section:

The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour. But it doesn't say we can't guess the year, month, or minute. 😂


Aaron, we must go by Jerusalem time which is 7hrs ahead of EST. I believe it will be between 5pm-1159pm Friday or 5pm-1159pm Saturday. If I had to choose specifically, Saturday at 7pm.

How about 7:55   -  Acts 7:55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.


Sunrise in Jerusalem is at 6.18 AM on Sunday. But the women came to the grave when it was 'still dark' (John 20,1). So my guess would be around 5 AM Jerusalem Time, maybe 4:44 Smile
Which would be around 10 PM EST Saturday !


If you look at the Hidden Prophecy of the Psalms from 1986, JR Church, he actually says psalms 123 to 130 is a picture of the tribulation. I bought that book in 1986, I have followed it since then. Kinda blown away by what he says in his book from the grave. But using that data, using the 2029 Apophis date, I found a series of dates that show crazy formations in Stellarium. 6/24/2030 Second coming, 1/11/2027 Abomination, 7/31/2023 Start of Tribulation, 4/10/2023 Rapture. If anyone uses Stellarium, have fun with those dates and where everything is aligned. Smile   Happy Easter rapture chasers!


The twinkling of an eye" is evening twilight when 2 stars of medium magnitude are seen. Night falls when a 3rd star of medium magnitude is seen. Paul prophesied in I Cor. 15:51-52 that the righteous would be resurrected in the twinkling of an eye. So I believe it will be at the time of dusk Israel time that the resurrection/rapture will happen on Nissan 17, and that's tomorrow Saturday evening some time between 6:27 and 6:45 pm!


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Any guesses?   B-)

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Pondering the 144,000

Someone gave the theory could these Jewish virgin men be … the babies that were murdered during the time when Pharaoh and later when Herod ordered the decree of killing all the male babies?  Does anybody know how many died during those 2 events?

Could they have grown to maturity in heaven and they suddenly show up like the 2 witnesses … but the 144,000 in Revelation 7:4 are sealed by the angels.

Their arrival is:

after the judgement of the 6th seal of:

Great Earthquake
Sun became Black
Moon became blood
Stars fall from the heavens
Fig tree casteth the untimely figs because she is shaken of a mighty wind
Heaven departed like a scroll
Every mount and island moved out of their places
Rich people hide in their underground shelters

and before the 7th is opened:

seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

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I was trying to get the timing of the 6th seal event  … from the fig tree dropping the figs before they are ready for harvesting.

But aye yai yai … I got multiple timeframes for harvesting in Israel :wacko:

Figs will bloom from:

August through September in zones 6 and 7,

June in zones 8 to 11,

and November in zones 8 to 11 in warm climates.


Hmmm … perhaps we can narrow down what zone Jerusalem is in? :unsure:

I don’t get the exact month or zone … only this … The fig tree's huge leaves fall away with winter and slowly begin budding forth in spring time. Keeping the mystery going …


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me too dusk tomorrow... I am ready tonight tho

Oh the yearning feeling is so raw and strong

, it is almost an ache tonight


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I just watched this Robert Breaker video which explains and supports that theory that the 144,000 are the ones Herod had killed. He says it makes sense, not dogmatic about it, we will find out if it is right when it happens.

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Nice find! :good:

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Thinking ahead …. If today should pass and still here … we technically still have until Wednesday, April 13th at sundown before Passover ends.

Per Raul D @ 5 Doves he brought this to our attention last week

Nisan 21, the 4th Spring feast has not been fulfilled yet. How did Jesus fulfilled Nisan 21????
Nisan 14 crucifixion.
Nisan 15 Jesus burial. Numbers 28:18 In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work therein:
Nisan 17 Jesus rose from the dead. First Fruits.
Nisan 21 Sacred Assembly 7th Day NOT FULFILLED (Lev 23:6) Red Sea split on this day. — April 11th - 12th 😉 


And if not, then we have …


Per Fay today …

From the last blood moon in the 2014/15 tetrad on September 28th, 2015 to May 5th, 2023 is 7 Years 7 Months and 7 days. September 28th, 2015 is also the day Natan was taken to heaven to receive prophecy.

May 5th, 2023 is 2nd Passover.

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Then Prince Charlie gets crowned on May 6th, hopefully we leave before that ceremony.


I saw a conversation on a youtube last night … someone was worrying about her pets getting left behind. Another person comforted her with these kind words …

Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron at night. He said, “Get up and go away from my people, both you and the people of Israel. Go and worship the Lord, as you have said. Take your flocks and your cattle, as you have said, and go. And pray that good will come to me also.” So all the people left in haste, entire families and their animals included. God was a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. He gave them manna from heaven and water from rocks. This word is true, that our good and great friends would be with us. When the bridegroom comes and the trumpet sounds, the bride and all that is hers is taken away to the Father's house. Especially those animals that she loves. Have peace in this. God pour out his grace upon you this day.

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Short 6 minute clip


In the comment section

A watcher posted:

Aaron, thanks for this encouragement. Many times in the Bible God anointed the 2nd born rather than the firstborn son. As when Abraham had Isaac after Ishmael, yet Isaac was the one chosen to be the the progenitor of Jesus. Also, it was Jacob, not the firstborn twin Esau, anointed or chosen to be the father of the 12 tribes of Judah. It was Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, the country God chose to bear His name of YHVH. Neither of Eve's firstborn sons were anointed by God but Eve said "For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew." That son was Seth. So the pattern is not the firstborn who usually is the one to inherit the birthright but the second in line, according to God. It could be the same for Passover as a second one is given by God a month after the first one for those who missed the 1st one due to being on a long journey or who are unclean from handling a dead body per Numbers 9:6-11, the 14th day of the 2nd month, which in 2023 is from the evening of May 6th to evening of May 13th. Plus all of us on earth in a flesh body are actually dead in sin until they receive eternal life by believing in Christ's perfect blood atonement and are on a far journey until then. Stellarium backs up a 2nd Passover with Jupiter in the 2nd fish. I had started to believe rapture was possibly at 2nd Passover 2 or 3 years ago. Get tight with Christ and go Jesus go!

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Todd Tomlinson
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Fair use for educational and discussion purposes only.   Maybe another "effect" from us going home?

Harry Dent, economist and author of several best-selling books, has warned that the biggest crash in our lifetime is “going to hit between now and about mid-June.” He stressed: “People are going to know this is not a big correction — it is a major crash, one that you have not seen … in your lifetime.”

Harry Dent’s ‘Biggest Crash’ Warning
The founder of HS Dent Investment Management and author of several best-selling books, Harry Dent, warned in an interview with David Lin, published Friday, that the biggest crash in our lifetime will likely happen by mid-June. Dent stressed:

We won’t see this again. We will not see a bubble economy, our kids will probably not even see a bubble economy decades and decades from now … It happens once in a lifetime at most.
He explained that the biggest crash that he is predicting is what the 2008-2009 crash should have been, noting that the S&P 500 was down 57% at that time. “About a year and a half into that crash, central banks just stepped in and just started printing money at unprecedented rates … So that recession didn’t really do its job of flushing out the greatest debt bubble in history,” Dent described, adding:

I am predicting as much as 86% [decline] for the S&P 500 in this crash and 92% on the Nasdaq … Bitcoin will go down more like 95%, 96%.
Dent expects the crypto market to crash alongside stocks, with BTC falling 95%-96% from its November 2021 high. “Bitcoin will fall from $69,000 to about three to four thousand,” he said, adding that “It’s exactly what Amazon and the dot-coms did.”

The economist has repeatedly warned about the biggest crash in a lifetime. He pointed out that after his previous warning, the Nasdaq went down 38% in October last year. “That’s just the first wave down. There’s two more to follow … We have already started the next wave down which could take the Nasdaq down to $8,000 just in this next wave, not the end of it. That’s gonna be down a little over 50%,” he detailed.

“That’s when people are going to know this is not a big correction — It is a major crash, one that you have not seen … in your lifetime, and the one that even the millennials will not see a bigger crash than this,” Dent opined.

Addressing why the recent crash happened later than he previously predicted, the economist clarified that the reason was due to central banks declaring war on recession. “Never before … have central banks declared war, literal war, on recession, and said: ‘We will not let the economy fall.'” However, Dent noted that even with all the unprecedented money printing, “we keep falling back into the recession.” He stressed: “The economy underneath is really really weak and really needs to get rid of a lot of really bad debt and zombie companies and the central banks won’t let the economy do its thing … The central banks have declared war on the free market. That’s the problem.”

The economist cautioned, “We are about to hit this third wave,” emphasizing that he does not believe that the Federal Reserve will be able to stop it. “I think it’s going to creep up on them before they can reverse the tightening,” he predicted, adding:

We have not cleaned up the massive debts and overvaluations of the biggest financial assets bubble in everything. We have never had a financial asset bubble in everything like this. This bubble has not been allowed to burst and clear out its excesses which we need to do. And I think we are into that process now.
Noting that the Federal Reserve overstimulated the economy, and now they have to “tighten strong,” Dent stressed that the Fed has “pushed up interest rates and tightened” more recently than they ever did since the early 80s. “So this is serious tightening,” he exclaimed. “Now they’re tightening and they’re thinking well the economy underneath can handle it.” However, Dent argued: “No, the economy underneath has been weak since 2008 and does not get strong until a few years from now.”

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Here is another BIG indication … the church hast to leave soon :whistle:

Artificial Intelligence Open-Source Application Bot ChaosGPT Is Prepared To ‘Destroy Humanity’ And Is Already Recruiting Other AI Applications To Help


By Geoffrey Grider

AI bot ChaosGPT was recently given five horrifying tasks to destroy humanity, which led to it attempting to recruit other AI agents, researching nuclear weapons, and sending out ominous tweets about humanity.

In the book of Revelation, we see the False Prophet, a religious figure, making an ‘image to the beast’ which is Antichrist, and this image of the beast can speak and give commands. In the headlines today, we see coders and programmers interacting with AI bot ChaosGPT, and it is all-too eager to assist in the downfall and destruction of humanity. In 2023, the whole world runs on the internet, and the internet is about to run on Generative Pre-trained Transformer neural network machine learning, or GPT for short. There will be no way to get away from it within just a few months, and indeed it is already here.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15

All dispensations in the Bible end in the utter failure of man, everything he touches he ultimately destroys, and this virtual world that man has created is, as I write this, preparing itself to rise up against us. I understand that the Church will have been long raptured by the time Revelation 13 is in full-swing, but brother, sister, we are getting a ‘slice of the pie’ right now. The platform from which the Antichrist will govern, what we have for the past 14 years called the Mark Of The Beast System, is online and operating right now.

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