So what does anyone here at RITA Now expect regarding the Rapture preceding that aticipated Marian apparition or whatever? What will their Tribulation look like and to whom? In any case I'm sure within two weeks would be just fine. :good: :unsure: :flyup: Well I have had my last awesome tasting ribs here on earth. I keep looking at everything as my last because it may be today or tomorrow and we are ready for his return….. So when is the last dish I'll have to wash? Thanks for the question. The video was rather bewildering to me. I was hoping someone with better understanding would have a response. I haven't seen the video and only have what is being discussed here for context, but I strongly believe the enemy doesn't know or set the timeline -- only God does and for His Glory alone. So I tend to view this kind of thing as an indication we're close and that deception is increasing, but don't give it more weight than that. Otoh, the enemy knows the exact date of things in the past that we still have some fuzziness on (crucifixion, jubilee, etc), so his guesses may be on a little more informed basis than ours, but they're still guesses. Today at sundown in Jerusalem marks the beginning of Feast of Tabernacles. As always Maranatha! Yippee … it’s amazing how things have slow down … I’m hoping we are gone either today or tomorrow. I was watching this YouTube late last night … I think Aaron leans toward Oct 7th … right after Feast of Tabernacle? I’m not sure why that date. (Just a snap shot) About 15 minute clip Rapture Forecasts Come from End-Time Weathermen, Not Prophets! Faith+Works Left Behind! - Fair Use - It's interesting that the first words in 2 Thess 2:3 say "Let no man deceive you by any means:". Then when the King James version of the Bible came out the interpretation for the word apostasia was changed from departure to falling away. The context of this verse was based on Paul's earlier letter to Thessalonica which was about the Rapture. So the actual reading should say "for that day shall not come, except there come a departure first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition". Why would anyone change the word unless it was to deceive the church. Craig Bong points out that King Charles is the man of sin. His revealing is expected at COP28 (Nov 30 - Dec 12) or maybe even earlier in October. Before he is revealed then the Rapture will be before that, time will tell. Rick, J. Vernon McGee agrees with you that apostasia means departure but he also says that is means falling away as well. He believes the correct interpretation is departure but does not say anything about any intentional deception, simply a choice of interpretation. From J. Vernon McGee For that day shall not come.” Which day? The Day of the Lord—not the Rapture. The Day of the Lord shall not come except there be the fulfilling of two conditions: (1) “There come a falling away first” and (2) “that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Both of these things must take place before the Day of the Lord can begin, and neither one of them has taken place as yet. There must be “a falling away first.” Many have interpreted this to mean the apostasy, and I agree that it does refer to that. But I think it means more than that, as a careful examination of the word will reveal. The Greek word that is here translated as “falling away” is apostasia. The root word actually means “departure or removal from.” Paul says that before the Day of the Lord begins there must first come a removing. There are two kinds of removing that are going to take place. First, the organized church will depart from the faith—that is what we call apostasy. But there will be total apostasy when the Lord comes, and that cannot take place until the true church is removed. The Lord asked, “… when the Son of man cometh [to the earth], shall he find [the] faith … ?” (Luk 18:8). When He says “the faith,” He means that body of truth which He left here. The answer to His question is no, He will not find the faith here when He returns. There will be total apostasy because of two things: (1) the organization of the church has departed from the faith—it has apostatized and (2) there has been another departure, the departure of the true church from the earth. The departure of the true church leads into the total apostatizing of the organized church. The Day of the Lord cannot begin—nor the Great Tribulation period—until the departure of the true church has taken place. Paul is not going into detail about the rapture of the church because he has already written about that in his first epistle: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1Th 4:16-17). That is the departure, the removal, of the church. The organized church which is left down here will totally depart from the faith. We see it pictured as the great harlot in Revelation 17. The Laodicean church, which is the seventh and last church described in the Book of Revelation, is in sad condition. I think that is the period we are in right now. When the true believers are gone, it will get even worse. It will finally end in total apostasy. From the viewpoint of the earth the removal of believers is a departure. From the viewpoint of heaven, it is a rapture, a snatching or catching up. I think the world is going to say at that time, “Oh, boy, they are gone!” They think that fellow McGee and other Bible teachers are a nuisance, and they will be glad when they are gone. The world will rejoice. They do not realize that it will be a sad day for them. They think they will be entering into the blessing of the Millennium, not realizing they are actually entering into the Great Tribulation period, which will be a time of trouble such as the world has never before seen. FAIR USE