All sounds fishy to me! TR Allow me to hum a little neptune, Arthur, while being schooled in your realm, and then I'll school you in that cod of conduct. It's codified in fishsticks. Remember, "...you can trust the fishermen." Christ was a fisher of men! TR :dieu: ??? Dagon it Dan, you Philistine! No fish worship! Is that cod or codger? :unsure: I miter might not choose to. We'll see. I wonder if Jonah ate fish in later life... I'm dating myself and you younger folks might not recognize this, but when I hear the word "mystic" this is the image that pops into my head: *Mitre. Mitre = headwear. Miter = device used for cutting. Oh....wait. You are 'murican. Of course. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miter Well, whether miter or mitre, a cutting remark, indeed. I wish I would have saw that coming. I yield to you, sir. :good: I'm thinking we're the oldest ones here Todd! :unsure: