Yesterday we were able to meet up with some church friends from 20 years ago. They were on vacation in the area and we met up for lunch at a cute Greek family restaurant. Hubby and Mark got into talking scripture and singing praise songs /tunes for most of the 2 hours. What got my attention was the other 4 tables of diners. They had finished eating but seamed to be enjoying our get together and stayed long after they ate. Even the cooks and staff were watching from around the corner. I hope some seeds were planted. No doubt! TR I love it Lee! Thanks for sharing. Situations like that give people hope that there really is a God and gives them the desire to seek Him out. What is it that those people know that I don't? Way to go Lee with sharing the Joy of the Lord at that Greek restaurant! :good: Yep, the others listening in wanted to know of the hope that you have. :whistle: Great testimony! I agree with Blue, "It is very intimidating to share with friends and family for fear of rejection. But like Churchgal said on another thread, we are running out of time and we need to take the risk." Yes, in my painting group here in the very liberal San Francisco Bay Area, I have been trying to plant a few seeds. Last Tuesday, they were talking about current events and I said, "These things are happening because it's the End Times." Someone answered, "You mean like Armageddon? Let's not speak of such depressing things!" So, I guess next time I will have to take another approach. Maybe say that Jesus is about to come for his bride. I've had times where I couldn't find any angle leading into the salvation message but other times wasn't even looking for it and all of a sudden find myself in a full on witnessing conversation. In the middle of it I'll just marvel that it's even taking place and it almost seems like I'm not in control of the conversation and actually, given how it always goes I know I am not. I think the Holy Spirit speaks through us when the time is right. I think we should always be willing servants and always looking for an opening but I know there are times when He just takes over and it goes so wonderfully. Doesn't mean these people drop to their knees right there but i know a serious seed was planted or perhaps watered. That was very brave, Patricia. Being in a group like that, they could have all ganged up on you. On the other hand, they all heard your message!