Keep your eyes focused on the suffering and victory of Christ our Lord, not the Father of lies. You already have the victory, don’t let the dark prince of this world rob you of the joy of Christ in your life. Praying for you! :prayer-hands: In the eyes of Jesus you are an overcomer, you are loved forever and wanted forever Pit bulls and tsunamis couldn't separate you from the love of Jesus for you :flyup: Have not been able to sleep much last night. Have to drive into work this morning to turn in my computer equipment and security badge. Will likely encounter the VP who I believe made the decision to make me one of the less than 10% of employees in her group let go. Probably driving in around 9-10 am CDT this morning. If you read this and have the opportunity, please pray on my behalf. Pray that I can walk in self-control and say some things that I want her to hear without being given over to ungodly, sinful anger. Pray, too, that if there is anything evil that is underlying her decision (e.g., the possibility of retribution for my very strong prophetic witness letter at Christmas--no reason at this point to think that is the case, but a friend mentioned it to me on Saturday and it made me wonder), that it would be exposed. I just cannot figure out why they would let one of their better employees go when frankly they had their choice of so many others? I know that runs the risk of sounding arrogant or thinking more highly of myself than I ought to, but it is true. I'm no superstar, but I am a really hard-working, diligent employee committed to representing his employer with integrity and excellence, while demonstrating an uncommon sense of ownership. Honestly, in my experience, there are simply not that many people who demonstrate that kind of approach to their work in our culture today. Anyway, God knows, but it just seems so wrong to me! Thanks for praying. Aside from your Christmas letter, the key word here could be "her." I have seen many hard working men let go since the push for women in management. God's order is completely upside down. Praying for you Watchman ... since you’re a good worker ... I’m 99% positive its because you are a Jesus follower. Jesus said in John 15:18-19 “If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Cheer up ... you’re heaven bound ... thee Blessed Hope is going to happen VERY soon! Think on this thought to ... your assignment there is over and the Lord wants you at another place to share your faith. Meanwhile He will provide for you and will open another door if His return is delayed. When I first moved up to Vermont I tried applying at the local bookstore. The interview was extremely short ... after they saw my resume listing my education (Christian High School and Bible College) they immediately said “I wouldn’t fit in with them” and that was the end of the interview. I thought they don’t know me, how could they say that? Then I soon realized the owners are Masonic satanists. Instead of leaving by the front entrance, I exited the back entrance and saw a small obelisk in their flower garden and carved in their stone sidewalk are the words “there is nothing written in stone” oh, yes there is ... the 10 Commandments! B-) Through the years that book store honored the Harry Potter books and encouraged local folks to dress up as witches and warlocks, etc. When Hillary Clinton wrote her 2014 book and went on tour ... she personally visited to sign autographs. :wacko: So deep down they were right ... “I wouldn’t have fit in” :mdrmdr: I am expecting my hard working husband to be let go also. A couple of years ago, he refused to lie for the company, and because of that, they lost a big job they were bidding on. Ever since then, they have sent him out of town to work for other offices. They love him at the other offices, but the salesmen at the office in town have convinced the management that my husband is hard to work with. The truth is that the salesmen are so full of lust for their big commissions that they will say anything to get a contract or get rid of anyone that stands in their way. I am definitely praying for you. I've been in your situation and faced months of unemployment. But, when it was over, I looked back and saw that my family and I were well taken care of by God during those times. Never missed a meal, had a roof, always had gas for the car...and how all that happened is a total mystery to me. As my wife says "We were poorer than a Church mouse". Also, don't second guess the decision to let you go. Often times, when a decision defies explanation, it's God's hand in the matter. I will be praying for your husband, Blue. It is VERY hard being in sales unless you own your own company or work for a Christian. Sadly the majority of the companies want their sales force to lie and be dishonest for the sake of the almighty dollar. My dad used to work for Burroughs - drove around from bank to bank repairing and/or selling check writing machines in northern NJ and NYC. He loved his job and his banking customers all loved him because he was honest and would fix their machines vs. selling them a new one. They always requested him and they knew if he said they needed a new machine because the parts are no longer available, they believed him. Things started to change in the 1980’s when W. Michael Blumenthal took over the corporation. He was a mason and worked under the Jimmy Carter administration as U.S. Secretary of Treasury. He gave the orders that the Burroughs sales force MUST lie and sell products vs. repairing them. My dad refused to be dishonest so he resigned after 30 something years with them. They were shell shocked and sadden with his resignation. Not to long afterwards the company collapsed and Unisys took over. :mdrmdr: My dad found a job in the maintenance dept with the local school district ... I just googled ... the school district currently has 14 schools but it was far more when he was working there. They paid him well and got many perks. They assigned him to the ordering of janitorial supplies and uniforms for the maintenance and bus drivers for all the schools because they saw he was honest and could be trusted. He was also out plowing the school parking lots and getting paid overtime. It sounded like a downgrade in position roles but he got paid well and he was much happier. The Lord provided and he retired from there with great benefits as well. The Lord has all our lives planned out including where He wants us to work. All things work out together for good to those who love the Lord. Keep looking up! :prayer-hands: I am praying for you, Watchman, and also for Blue's husband. I have been out of work at times, and it is a dreadful burden.
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