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Prayer request for my dog

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Todd Tomlinson
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Praying for safe travels and a good report from the vet!


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Woo hoo!!! Oh thank You Lord puppy dearest is coming home!!!Please Lord keep Geri safe and on the right path. Thank You our Merciful Wonderful Lord who even cares for our little pets :thankyou

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Those who belong to the King are never lost! You were just on a detour 😉

Prayers for a safe journey for you and your pup! :prayer-hands:

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Stop at a gas station and buy a road map. 😉

Glad the pup is better. :good:

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The problem with finding Jesus, I didn’t know He was lost!

Glad He found me, cause I was!


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Haha … now Arthur … do the gas stations still even carry those detailed city maps any longer?

Well yesterdays tour of that city … I’m not sure how I did it but I was on the interstate heading to Buffalo, NY and had to quickly get off the nearest exit … then before you know it I’m on the lane heading for Boston … they got these clover circle turns EVERYWHERE and the tall trucks were blocking some of the road signs and you have to think fast and before you know it … you realize oh no … this is the wrong way too!  I miss the GPS system (my old suv had it) I was totally going nuts. ? And then ended up on the side streets going thru various neighborhoods.  I now know where University of Albany is .. Albany Medical Center …Cross Gates Mall … Albany airport … :mdrmdr:

This morning I snap shot the directions on my iPad and went the side roads from Troy, NY over this other bridge to Route 2 to avoid THAT main interstate so it worked out better.  Coming back I had to stop at the grocery store to get chicken since they want him on a bland diet so I had to boil that for him into a soup with the rice and carrot and celery. And after doing this … he is not eating it Cry and I can’t give him his meds until he eats something.  Soooooo now my prayer request is … that he starts to eat. I just wonder if he is just droggy from the meds they gave him? :unsure:

He is out for the count … I think he is happy to be home B-)



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yay he's home

please Lord make him completely well

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It could be he is groggy from the meds or maybe the stay at the hospital was stressful and he just wants to rest for a while.

I am sure he will start eating soon.

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My daughters dog chewed on Naproxen last week, and he was not hungry for a day and more. Slowly he started back eating! After 2 days he ate like normal again! We prayed over him and now he is his old self again! Thank You Jesus for healing Geri’s dog ?! What is his name?

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His name is Dodger … but no affiliation with liking that national league baseball team … no siree … I’m a diehard NY Yankee fan. B-)    The only reason I named him Dodger is because he will take something he shouldn’t have and will stand there looking up at me … he gets a kick out of me saying …  “NO … drop it” and that’s when he takes off and I’m left running after him … the chase game could go on for a while if I don’t set up certain barriers for when he passes thru again.  He dodges me while running around the dining  room table and the kitchen island are his favorite.  So after I set up blockades … then … only then does he finally cave when he is trapped and drops the item meekly.  This is how he smiles and laughs at me …


This was taken the morning of March 1, 2019 … I was singing we are “Marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Zion Marching Upward to Zion beautiful City of God” :whistle: … we were REALLY longing to go that day … he has his bag packed with his favorite treats, toys and blanket.  But que sera sera … we are still waiting for that glorious moment to happen. B-)


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