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Prayer Request for gratefulforgrace

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just jumping in to say thank you all so much for prayers and notes, but please do continue to lift us up in prayers- i've experienced beautiful peace from the Lord for days then had an awful problem focused day and then was trusting again, but tonight my husband's oxygen levels are going low a lot of times and i'm very scared and upset...and daughter seemed well today but then back to fever and went to bed w/ low blood pressure and high pulse...i have not had any fever today and felt almost normal for a big portion of day and my oxygen levels are high- praise God!  but i desperately need Him to comfort me in the unknowns- i'm so scared...he's asleep- please pray our precious Lord will heal him and keep his oxygen up...i love him so much - please pray for us to have God's wisdom in seeking medical care if needed  when where how etc- pray for us to do God's will and to have God's grace to face whatever is in store for us...He is able to touch him and heal him right now and bless him with restoring sleep full of plenty of oxygen...please pray our daughter be protected and healed in the night too...please pray for my heart- figuratively and physically it feels about to break at times tonight...we need God's help...thanks for yall in Christ...sure could use those glorified bodies in a twinkling of an eye tonight...

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Heavenly Father, thank You for the results so far in gratefulforgrace's family. Please restore them to perfect health, once again. Give them wisdom, strength, courage and Your shalom in this time of trial. May You be glorified, Oh King of kings. We pray in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen. :prayer-hands:

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Prayers for you, your husband, and your daughter that the Lord will sustain, comfort, and heal you. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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:prayer-hands:  for you GratefulGrace … for total body healing for you, your hubby and your daughter … that the oxygen levels return to normal range and no more fevers and that the Lord surrounds your home with His peace and you have a restful sleep.


But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17

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please feel free to message me if I can help you with any questions you have about when it is time to go to the doctor/urgent care etc. :rose:  will keep you in my prayers for healing, strength and peace.

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I moved this from the Coronavirus Talk 27 to it's own thread

Todd Tomlinson
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Father God I bow down before you as your humble servant, in awe of your magesty and mighty powers.  You are Abba Father, the one who created us, who loves us well beyond our own understanding, and who is the great physician.   You Father know every cell in fullofgrace's body and her husband and daughters bodies.  I ask you Father that your healing hands would touch each of their bodies this morning, that you would eradicate the virus from their bodies, that you Father God would restore the damage that has been done by the devil through this horrible disease that make them whole again.   Father God fullofgrace has much to do for the Kingdom and I pray father that You will empower her and enable her to carry out the charter that you laid out for her when you created her.    Father we love you and adore you.   We stand firm in our beliefs, knowing that you are the all mighty God and through Jesus all things are possible.   I pray this in Jesus mighty name.   Amen.

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Lord Jesus You know each need and there are several.  Please Lord, we ask that You will heal each one accordingly and bring their health back that their bodies  function normally. Thank You our Great Physician, we can put our full trust in You to care for us.  For it is only  in Jesus' mighty and merciful name we plead, Amen.

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Simply adding my faith to all the beautiful prayers!

Believing for a good report!


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praying for you and your family.

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