Nothing to be sorry about. I haven't had time to watch your video yet, so that is why I haven't commented. It is good to try to keep subjects together so we can find them again. So Arthur, how much of all of this is a total set up? All of it? My video above said that they are trying to make the Islam prophesy look like it has come true...or something like that...bring Islam to fruition? If the sacrifices are made on Passover like they are talking about, are the powers that be going to magically say the virus is gone to play along? I saw somewhere that the Rabbis were being encouraged to say when the Messiah would this would be to make the AC sound like the real deal, right? I don't quite have the grand plan figured out. I think the scenario you have laid out sounds quite plausible. They definitely are trying to bring all the religions together in the Abrahamic faith initiative. For each religion (catholicism (not True Christianity), islam and judiasm.) The Antichrist will be the great unifier and will pretend to be the fake european catholic jesus to catholics, the mahdi to muslims, and the fake messiah to the Jewish people. Since the whole plandemic is fake, they will "miraculously" get rid of the coronovirus after this sacrifice. That will build up the antichrist's credibility. Will be keeping a close watch. I think this could really lead to something significant. Again men want to embrace all the old God's, rather than the Lord God Almighty! TR
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