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Pope Francis invites Political Leaders to sign “Global Pact”

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OK check out what Pope Francis is organizing ... the push for a new global order, a new humanism - just setting the stage for the arrival of the AC.  Oh ... and the date of this satanic global meeting with the many ... will be held, at the Vatican, on (drum roll please) May 14, 2020!  How ironic ... since May 14, 1948 just happens to be when Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel’s rebirth.  Hmmm, coincidence with the timing?  :popcorn

Pope Francis Invites Political Leaders To Sign ‘Global Pact’ "Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance"
By Paul Bois

Further signaling his acceptance of globalism during an age of increased nationalism, Pope Francis has now invited leaders to sign a "Global Pact" to create a "new humanism."

"The global event, set to take place at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, is themed 'Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance,'" reports LifeSiteNews. "The Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions, as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists to sign a 'Global Pact on Education' so as to 'hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.'"

On September 12, the Holy Father said in a video message that "universal solidarity" can only be achieved by way of a "global education pact."

LifeSiteNews noted that Pope Francis issued a "strikingly secular message" on the pact that contained just one reference to God and even echoed former First Lady Hillary Clinton's favorite phrase: "It takes a village to raise a child."

"This [Global Pact] will result in men and women who are open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialogue and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families, between generations, and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism," said Pope Francis.

The Pope added that an "alliance" must be formed "between the earth's inhabitants and our 'common home,' which we are bound to care for and respect. An alliance that generates peace, justice and hospitality among all peoples of the human family, as well as dialogue between religions."

The Pope's invitation to a "Global Pact" echoes his recent declaration that the "common good has become global" while criticizing the nation-state for being unable to meet this human need. He, however, did not issue a call for a one-world government.

"In the current situation of globalization not only of the economy but also of technological and cultural exchanges, the nation-state is no longer able to procure the common good of its population alone," Pope Francis told the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in May. "While, according to the principle of subsidiarity, individual nations must be given the power to operate as far as they can, on the other hand, groups of neighboring nations — as is already the case — can strengthen their cooperation by attributing the exercise of certain functions and services to intergovernmental institutions that manage their common interests."

In what was seen as a veiled critique of the pope's stance, Cardinal Raymond Burke later told Rome Life Forum that natural law permits patriotism "in accord with the order written upon the human heart" and "does not make just and legitimate a single global government."

"Before the challenges of our time, there are those who propose and work for a single global government, that is, for the elimination of individual national governments, so that all of humanity would be under the control of a single political authority," said Burke. "For those who are convinced that the only way to achieve the common good is the concentration of all government in a single authority, loyalty to one’s homeland or patriotism has become an evil."

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Globalism at it's core it not a bad thing, IE: For when everything above the Earth, within the Earth and under the Earth declares Jesus is Lord!

But in the hands of men and with any other agenda, globalism however it is applied is nothing more than a man made effort to create a temple of subjugation!

The Pope above all else should know that the heart of man is continually evil.  That is to say that the human condition cannot be changed by any agreement, alliance, compact or law.  And that historically all such previous endeavors has fallen extremely short.

He, the Pope seems to put great faith in man and seemingly little reliance on the transforming  spirit of God!  Once again all of his efforts seem to reinforce one central theme.  His papacy and his own throne!  It's not a matter of changing laws or consciencness, but rather hearts that are deferred to the one true God.  Not human effort, but divine intervention!

Again his efforts and methodology is neither prompted by spiritual influence, but rather by human  human efforts!  IMHO

Sadly neither he nor any other is worthy to occupy a throne.  Only Christ!




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That should line up nicely with a Pentecost rapture on May 31st - that is IF we're still here. He's setting the stage for his new role as false prophet :yes:

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I really think the idea of the FP being the Pope is a holdover from a bygone era. The Pope is such a figurehead nowadays and is over a denomination that has little real power. Kind of like how the Queen of England is a figurehead, enacting little real power; granted that’s of her own volition. Biblical prophets up to John the Baptist were not leaders of the Jewish faith as the Sadducees and Pharisees were, so why would the FP be any different.

The AC is the talking piece of a government system; a power. The FP parrots and promotes the head of that power. Do people believe it’ll be the Pope because he calls down fire from Heaven? (Could be a rip-off of Pentecost; speaking in “tongues” with no real power). So if the false church (Harlot) rides the back of the Beast, it makes little sense for the figurehead  of one of the most innefective churches on the decline to be it.

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Geri, there is so much going on in this world that our little pop corn guy is going to end up having a serious weight problem soon.

Anybody have the number for weight watchers?

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The Frankenpope is preparing for the coming Tribulation.

I believe the Harlet is an amalgamation of all false religions. The Frankenpope is leading the charge in getting them all together. 🙁



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Alrighty ... is anybody shocked by this?

Personally I’m not since I hold to the unpopular view that America is Mystery Babylon the Great. :whistle:

Can’t be long now ... keep looking up!   :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


United States commits to fully supporting the Chrislam Abrahamic faiths initiative as VP Mike Penske prepares for private meeting with pope Francis at the Vatican next week. 

NowTheEndBegins   By Geoffrey Grider  January 18, 2020

Mike Pence’s office confirmed with the Catholic News Agency on Thursday that the Vice President is scheduled to be received by the Pope during his overseas trip next week. "The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See will continue to proudly support and promote these efforts advance the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. We are committed to working with you to advance our shared goals of mutual respect, religious freedom, and peaceful coexistence." says U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Callista Gingrich.

Vice President Mike Pence will travel to the Vatican next week to meet with Pope Francis in discussions on United States support of Chrislam Abrahamic Faiths Initiative.

The woman in the main photo is U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Callista Gingrich, wife of former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. She, on behalf of the United States, is spearheading what is officially known as the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. Bible believers, of course, have a different name for it. We call this Chrislam, and so it begins. And just as we also told that Chrislam would include Judaism alongside of Islam and Catholicism, that has now been taken care of as well. All systems go for Chrislam.

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:11,12 (KJV)

I knew it was not a matter of if, but only a matter of when the United States would get in line and support Pope Francis desire to further the One World Religion of Chrislam, and as you can clearly see, that day has arrived. In fact, it officially was last Tuesday. Here is a snippet from the official statement:

The Abrahamic faiths initiative, in short, is predicated and built upon a message of hope.  Your actions this week will serve as a powerful demonstration to the rest of the world that, through inter religious dialogue, peace is possible.  The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See will continue to proudly support and promote these efforts.  We are committed to working with you to advance our shared goals of mutual respect, religious freedom, and peaceful coexistence.

The coming One World Religion of Chrislam is the premier end times story of our day, and here at Now The End Begins, we have done more to inform, educate and expose on Chrislam that perhaps any other news agency in the world. Now that the United States in involved, expect things to increase dramatically. The Bible clearly tells us that Mother Rome is the Revelation 17 Whore of Babylon, and we are watching her stunning ascendancy to world spiritual religious and political domination in Chrislam.

Mike Pence to meet Pope Francis in Vatican next week to discuss United States support for Chrislam from Catholic News Agency: Mike Pence’s office confirmed with the Catholic News Agency on Thursday that the Vice President is scheduled to be received by the Pope during his overseas trip next week. No details have yet been released about the topics that might be discussed at the meeting.

The Vice President’s visit comes immediately after the U.S. religious freedom ambassador traveled to Vatican City for the launch of the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative, held on Tuesday at the official residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Callista Gingrich



Sam Brownback, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, was present at Tuesday’s opening session of the initiative, which was described by Ambassador Gingrich as “a dialogue designed to promote peace, religious freedom, and interreligious harmony” between Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

It was inspired, she said, by the 2019 document on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” a joint statement of Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi that was signed in the United Arab Emirates.

That document, in part, stated that “the pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.” Cardinal Miguel Ayuso, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, was present at the gathering, according to Gingrich’s remarks.

”It’s fitting that your discussions should take place at the pontifical Gregorian university,” Gingrich said, citing St. John Henry Newman that a catholic university shouldaid in the discernment of truth”. Quoting Pope Francis, Gingrich stated the questions that could be considered by the initiative: “‘How do we look after each other?  ‘How do we nourish a fraternity which is not theoretical, but translates into authentic fraternity?’ And ‘how can religions be channels of fraternity, rather than barriers of separation?’”

In her remarks at the launch, Ambassador Gingrich thanked Pastor Bob Roberts of NorthWood Church in Keller, Texas, Imam Mohammad Magid of All Dulles Area Muslim Society, and Rabbi David Saperstein, the former U.S. religious freedom ambassador from 2014 to 2017, “for making this gathering possible.”

During Brownback’s trip, he and Ambassador Gingrich also met with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Holy See Secretary for Relations with States.

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As the prophetic promises of God continue to move forward, the world will indeed goosestep with demonic strategies to fulfill God's word.

Even as we see end time prophecies being fulfilled, we again need to be encouraged that God is still on his throne and not surprised by the actions and hearts of men!  Again this all only reinforces that our time here is indeed short!

Let us continue to look upward, as our redemption draweth nigh!  The Lord also knows that the hearts of men are continually filled with evil intentions because man will not bow to God!

Sadly however, history indeed is replete with instances when men have bowed willingly to false gods and demonic inspirations!



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I agree ... I’m sad Mike Pence is getting involved with the Vatican.  We just don’t know the hearts of the politicians that claim to be Christians ... only God knows for sure who are truly his.  I hope the V.P. is saved but he really should know better.

By the way ... sorry for the typo in the 2nd line of his last name.  I had to retype the heading because it was in all caps.  I make tons of typing mistakes but I’m almost positive I didn’t type “Penske” ... I’m blaming autocorrect for this one!  Bwahahaha

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Even true believers can be deceived now and again.  But not to be able to identify Papal proclivities in these times when so much has been uncovered is extremely naive if not foolish!

Again the word also warns us against being driven away by every wind of doctrine that comes along.  Yet this seems to be a mainstay in many circles.  Point is, we can all err in personal theology and doctrinal stance.

But we can all agree there is but one door given by which we can enter in Heaven.  And that door is Christ!  For to attempt to enter any other way is for robbers, liars and thieves!




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