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Patricia N.
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Bidenomics: Big Mac Extra Value Meals Selling for $18, Up $10 from 2018:

A Big Mac burger, a medium beverage, and a medium fry meal now costs 18 dollars in some locations, up $10 from 2018 when former President Donald Trump was president.

The skyrocketing costs could impact the 2024 election, as the soaring inflation under President Joe Biden reflects poorly on his economic plan of so-called “Bidenomics.”

The Big Mac Value Meal’s price increase is just one example of continued inflation, the New York Post’s editorial board reported.


Patricia N.
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BREAKING: Henry Kissinger Dead at 100:

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has passed away.  He was 100 years old.

Kissinger, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, reached the pinnacle of the American political establishment and in turn became an unlikely household name. He was secretary of state and national security adviser under two Republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and advised powerful leaders in both American political parties for decades.

Kissinger’s detractors denounced him for the central part he played in expanding U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, bringing a wide-scale bombing campaign to Cambodia and supporting brutal regimes in Argentina, Chile, Indonesia and Pakistan. Kissinger’s most vociferous opponents labeled him a war criminal, and some called on him to face charges at the Hague.


Patricia N.
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What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year:

The Biden regime is not letting the Constitution get in the way of buying off young voters who have soured on him.

Axios reported that Joe Biden sent an email Tuesday afternoon informing more than 800,000 student loan borrowers about student loan debt relief. This means the so-called president has forgiven $127 billion in student loan debt for 3.5 million borrowers so far.

According to Axios, here is what the email states:  I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room.

I’ve heard from countless people who have told me that relieving the burden of student loan debt will allow them to support themselves and their families, or move forward with life plans they’ve put on hold.

I’m proud that we were able to give borrowers like you the relief you earned. I promise you that as long as I am President, I will never stop fighting for hardworking American families.”

Biden’s email also requests that recipients share how the bailout will impact them. He then blames “errors and administrative failures” for the shortcomings of the student loan forgiveness process.



Paul R
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I can't help thinking that there was a very special reception awaiting him as he crossed the great divide...

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I’m actually surprised he died … I expected him to make it thru part of the tribulation.   Can you imagine spending your whole life planning for this  global godless utopia and the day before the big event kicks off with COP28 … he passes?   The timing of his death is intriguing.  Will they put his funeral on hold since many will be in attendance in Dubai … or will they still have heads of state staying behind to attend it?   In the 1970’s this one evangelist would visit our church often for revival/prophecy meetings and I recall him linking Kissinger as the false prophet cause the pope’s back then weren’t that vocal/outspoken like they are today and everyone thought the rapture was going to happen back then with the Hal Lindsey Late GREAT Planet Earth book,  the Thief in the Night film, “I wish we all been ready” song, etc.

Posts: 1726
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I can’t help thinking that there was a very special reception awaiting him as he crossed the great divide…

Paul, what do you mean? thank you

Patricia N.
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Biden Says That Prices Are Still Too High so Companies Should Just Lower Them:

Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago. He is now asking sellers to just lower their prices.

As a viral commercial once said. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Companies don’t lower prices just because inflation is politically inconvenient for the president and his party.


Patricia N.
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Biden Brags He Has Nuclear Code to ‘Blow up the World’:

Scared yet? President Joe Biden bragged Wednesday of his ability to “blow up the world” through a special code his staff possess. The revelation came in Colorado as he made light of nuclear weapons during a visit to the world’s largest windmill factory.

The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor “Congressman Trump” in an awkward appearance that saw him stumble from one verbal mishap to the next.

It began as he approached three yellow-vested workers at the facility in Colorado and one of them appeared to pose an inaudible question to the president.

Biden retorted: “Now look, my, my marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn’t, this is not….nuclear weapons is it….alright, ok…you think I’m kidding.”

The so-called nuclear football holds the codes the president would use to authenticate an order to launch nuclear missiles should he or she not be at the White House.

Officially named the “ Presidential Emergency Satchel, ” the bulky briefcase is carried by a military officer who is never far behind the president, whether the commander-in-chief is boarding a helicopter or exiting meetings with world leaders.


Patricia N.
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Congress Expels George Santos, First Member Expelled in over Two Decades:

Rep. George Santos (R-NY) is no longer a member of Congress. The House voted 311-114 Friday morning to expel him in the first House expulsion since 2002.

The historic vote sets a new precedent in the House. Santos departs even as he has not been convicted of a crime and has pleaded not guilty.

The ethics committee report included evidence Santos knowingly filed false reports with the Federal Election Commission, used campaign funds for personal purposes including subscriptions to OnlyFans and botox treatments, and willfully violated ethics laws as it relates to his Financial Disclosure (FD) Statements filed with the House.

Santos remained defiant until the end, but insisted in recent days he was at peace with whatever his now-former colleagues decided.

Thursday he introduced a privileged resolution to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who pleaded guilty weeks ago to a misdemeanor for pulling a fire alarm in the Capitol complex.


Patricia N.
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Sandra Day O’Connor, First Woman on Supreme Court (1930-2023):

Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve on the Court, passed away Friday in Phoenix, Arizona, at the age of 93, after suffering complications of dementia.

The official statement from the Supreme Court identified O’Connor as “the first female member of the Court.”
. . . . O’Connor was indeed a pioneer. She was nominated in 1981 — not by a liberal Democrat, but rather by President Ronald Reagan, the archetypal conservative Republican.


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