Though a few on line, seems awfully quiet! May the Lord indeed be merciful and number our days here! May we continue to lift one another and glorify Christ! TR TR —— per your words my brother “May we be found in Heaven before the devil knows we’ve been Raptured!” —- it will not matter if he even sees us ascend—- he can not do anything about it :mdrmdr: instead, you may be able to hear his loud cursing scream as he quakes to realize once again he has lost and he now only has 7 very short years to reek havoc.. maybe see y’all soon! :mdrmdr: He was born among men, died, and lives! May He receive us as His reward! Men still seek Him, but wise men love Him! Even so Lord... TR merry Christmas Jesus is alive! Just a few more hours to find out! Hopefully meeting you in person soon! I've stopped holding my breath... Oy vey re today! But hope springs eternal, they say. I’m invited to my brother’s house at that time. We are suppose to be eating lasagna @ 5:00 pm sharp. I can just see it now a big mess as we pass around the main dish to get our servings. Or will it be our forks drop in mid air with a tomato sauce mess on the floor as we rise upward ... talk about last supper on earth. P.S. my 2021 Bible calendar still never arrived yet from Grand Rapids, MI. Perhaps the Lord is telling me we leave in 2020 and wont need 2021? :unsure: Perhaps a count up? Maranatha today. :thankyou Merry Christmas RITAN family .... very restful day, quiet ... not unlike the horrid thunderstorms and tornado activity and warnings going off until 0300 am. TN had a bomb go off at 0600 am destroying buildings in Downtown Nashville, injuring three; tonight temperatures plunge to the twenties (crazy weather) .... for my family, presents unwrapped, dinner done, grandkids greeting from three different states and brother from Germany have rounded out the day ... just need to fly upward and homeward now to conclude a perfect ending to the day :prayer-hands: Count up, love it! No texting in Heaven! TR