Pentecost and Fig T...
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Pentecost and Fig Tree generation speculations

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Ditto about being caught in an awkward moment!

Just so long as we leave!

Again, may this be the year, the season, and the moment of our consummation!


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TR, not that I know a date for our departure as you know I hold to the “any minute” imminent theory as the church - the bride of Christ is not necessarily confined to the holidays designated for the Fig Tree generation (my opinion) but as in times past you and I have discussed the sense in our Spirit of something about to happen.

Over the course of the last few days, my Spirit has felt a bit of quickening and then a bit of sadness as I see the multitudes of lost in my minds eye and then a bit of a sense of it is time …. One of the sections I recently memorize is Revelation, chapter 22, and in it the angel tells John to not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book for the end is near … how much nearer are we today then when John wrote that ….

The convergence is upon us at every level … The nothing new under the sun is occurring within the media-nites as they try to ramp up fear and distraction. The demon possession is at an all time high and evil (with the restrainer still holding it back) is running amuck.

There is also a quieting of my spirit, like I feel when you write a letter and then you feel as though you have said all that needs to be said and you fold it up — it is done! A sense of completion — thoughts? :unsure: :prayer-hands:

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I have strangely felt the "nesting" urge at home, cleaning a lot, organizing....and making plans for extra food and water for my pets just in case. I do have that sense of completion, I can't say anything else to loved ones that I haven't said many times.

I also feel a heaviness in my heart for those the lost members in my extended family, while simultaneously looking so forward to going home, trying not to get too excited but having a difficult time as everything seems to be as in place as it can get. Guess we will soon find out if this is it....if not we will still watch.

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I wish I had that feeling of “completion” of earthly tasks, like the feeling that you got when you were a senior in high school, final exams done, all grades passed only couple of days until the graduation ceremony when you get the diploma.  You don’t have it in your hand yet, but you know everything is done and complete and it is just a matter of riding out the clock.

I wish I felt that way today but it might just be me,  I might not be wired that way, I keep thinking of the field of hay I still have to cut this week and the Bible study notes I am working on today for next weekend and wondering if it is even a study that I will get to present or if I am working on something that will never happen, or if that field of hay just won’t get cut - again that duality that I have mentioned before, living with a foot trapped in the earthly, and one firmly planted in the heavenly ready any moment to step over to that side eagerly when called and released from the earthly.

One thing interesting I did note today, always looking for little confirmations, I have mentioned before how I use a One Year Bible that I use for daily devotionals, and have posted before how it is uncanny that God often seems to speak through these little daily portions.  I just thought it was interesting that the New Testament portion for today 6/4 is Acts chapter 2 describing Pentecost - it almost was like it was speaking to me saying get ready, tomorrow is the Pentecost you have been waiting for - maybe wishful thinking and seeing what I want to see, but I sure hope so!

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I agree with Tammie and Churchgal!  There is seemingly a settling process occurring!
As like with when oil and vinegar are mixed, given time they will naturally separate!

As I have been weighing the differences between good and evil in mens hearts and witnessing and sense of finality as well!

Whether or not we are given a manifestation or a divine disclosure still remains to be seen!

But I look forward to such if not but for simply eliminating the human element!!!

Indeed I vacillate between the joy of going home and an abiding sadness as well!


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When the trumpet sounds, we will probably be on the potty or in the shower.  One of my concerns….

:flyup: :flyup:

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I think we will be changed so quickly that it won't be an embarrassment to us. The Lord sees everything we do anyway. Maybe those left behind will see our clothes in a puddle around the bathroom stool and it will be evidence to them that we were snatched and didn't plan to leave at that moment. It will be obvious that we didn't take off for some trip that we failed to tell them about.

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Well it is well past midnight in Jerusalem as I write this and so far it looks like our hops for a rapture on a June 5 Pentecost are fizzling out with a whimper today.

However, again, I stress, if a regular sabbath was required to be observed in between Passover and the start of the 50 day count on Firstfruits as some interpret Leviticus 23 to instruct, that would mean that Pentecost would not occur until next Sunday June 12 so we have not her shot at it then.

Also, the Essenes had a whole other computation from the Dead Sea scrolls that would place Pentecost on the 15th day of the 3rd Hebrew month which I think this year fall on June 14th so there are many different possibilities still in play. And again I keep eyeballing that June 20th drop dead date of an 80 year fig tree generation thinking something may occur before then so hang in there everybody!

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Ok, so some are saying that the new moon was really not spotted until April 3 and that would bump Pentecost to the 12th.  If you google Orthodox Pentecost you will find that they say the 12th also.

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I’m also am still hopeful for the fig tree generation to be fulfilled just before Summer solstice!


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