Which also brings us to Wednesday! TR Interesting! There was also a 5 Doves letter today with a 7 day wait as in the days of Noah. Well, It's June 1, Pentecost is officially over. If not this year, may be rapture shall happen on Pentecost next year. I still believe the church shall witness the fourth transgression before the rapture. This Pentecost gave us so much hope. But God may think otherwise. Wait ... not so fast ... Pentecost is not “officially” over with yet .... we still need to stay alert :popcorn for the 3 day wait that T.R mention as well as the :popcorn 7 day wait Lee Giblin mentions. And then, if still here next week ... we focus on the Steve Monet theory Dan posted above ... about counting 102 (more days) which related to Moses going back up Mt Sinai to receive the 2nd tablets since he broke the first ones ... thereby placing the true Pentecost about :popcorn Sunday, July 19th this year. It seems that the Lord is sharpening our focus here. Perhaps a new heavenly language is in our near future?! Pentecost still looms large! And 2020 as well. For as they say, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. A new song to be sung! Accompanied by a trumpet! TR Speaking of fat ladies, Kate Smith and Mamma Cass have already left the building! Oh my, what shall we do! TR Maybe, Pentecost is our 3 day high sign?! TR So I found posted by Chance at 5Doves, a link referring back to Steve Monette's April 25 video concerning his proposed July (fourth month) Pentecost argument. These points are interesting. Steve states that he isn't going to be dogmatic about this because he could be wrong, yet he doesn't think he is. So my token remains advanced to the fourth month, July. We've missed the Sivan 6 window. "And no one's getting fat except Mama Cass." Lol... Interesting that again we near Summer! We shall see. At least three accounting put us in June! We shall see, or not see as the case may be! I agree that we cannot trust rabbinical accounting for many reasons. This I have questioned for some time. I also say we have to hear from God, and not man. Listening to the Holy Spirit as our guide which will teach us all things! High sign, or not! TR
And I had so hoped to avoid all that hot weather. If he's right, maybe we'll still be able to miss a lot of it. I hope I hope I hope... :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:
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