Part 1 of "50 Reaso...
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Part 1 of "50 Reasons Why Pentecost is Tied to the Rapture" (#1-25)

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<p style="text-align: center;">Good idea!  TR</p>

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It is impossible for me to find the proper words that could adequately express the depth of my desire to be harpazoed today and done here with life in this broken, fallen world (sun has already gone down in Jerusalem as of the time of this post, so it is May 31 Pentecost in Israel).

The untold variety of evil where man wastes his God-given creative genius to defecate on the world God created, the hatred of God, the reprobate/delusional minds that fancy themselves as self-righteous heroes when in fact they cannot even discern between right and wrong, the unanswered (for now) sin that overflows like a backed up sewer of filth, the looters, the liars, the vandals, the murderers, the thieves, the immoral, the globalists, the vaccinators, the myriad of "everyday" problems, the heartache, the broken relationships, the sickness, the pain, the anguish of soul, the financial difficulties, the decaying bodies, the tears, the sorrow, the loneliness, the unreliability of people, the collapsing economy.  Lord, it feels like so much more than enough.  ENOUGH!!  Please, come get us soon.  Groaning in my spirit.  Maranatha!!!

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Amen and amen to that!  Groaning and screaming here!

Save Oh Lord, SAVE US from ourselves for Yourself!  We won't feel like a bride until You come for us!

We have lived on Your promise for two thousand years Lord.  We desperately need to see it's fulfillment!


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Jesus says no one knows the day and hour. All we have done here is purely speculation, including my dream of April 15 for Second Advent. But I believe God has left us a clue as how close we are to rapture. That clue is the three shepherds war in Zechariah 11. I expect this war shall break out in this summer. When I see this war coming, I shall get very excited, knowing that rapture is near.

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I was moved by what you wrote, I was able to empathize and internalize what you said to a deeper level.  I hope you don't mind, but I took all of your words and I reformatted them into the only music that I have the ability to create (poetry).   I didn't change much, and I only rearranged as necessary to give justice to the narrative that you created.  I give you full credit for the text and the context-- no plagiarism here. :amen:


The Groaning In Our Spirits


The untold variety of evil,

Where God-given creative genius was wasted by man,

To defecate on the world God created,

Started shortly after the world began.


The hatred of God,

The reprobate/delusional mind,

That fancies itself as a self-righteous hero,

Cannot fathom that it is totally blind!


In fact, this evil mind that cannot discern between right and wrong,

Overflows like filth in a backed-up sewer,

The looters, the liars, the vandals, the murderers,

Only get happier while Christians get continually get bluer.


The thieves, the immoral, the globalists, the vaccinators,

The heartache, the broken relationships, the sickness, the pain,

The myriad of “everyday” problems that anguish our souls,

Only Illuminate the evil that we all disdain.


The financial difficulties, the decaying bodies, the collapsing economy, the tears,

The loneliness, the unreliability of people, and the anguishing sorrow,

Lord, it feels like so much more than enough,

ENOUGH!!  Please, come get us by tomorrow!


I feel that, and I long for that!


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Part 2 - 26-50.


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Sunset in Jerusalem ending the day today is 739 PM local time.  1139 AM CDT in USA.  If today is being viewed as Pentecost and today ends the age of grace with the harpazo, there are about 5 1/2 hours left before the day ends.  Maranatha!!!

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Either today or Jul 19th.  SUMMER IS NEAR!  TR

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As stated, either today or on a more accurate accounting of Pentecost, July 19th.  But there may be a third option!

This morning about two hours ago, my wife approached me with the request of her leaving for three days to go out into the wilderness/camping with a friend for three days.

It got me to thinking about the phrase, "three days".  I have been looking for a three day high sign for years.

My first thought was of the prophet Joel.  Saying we would be raised on the third day!  Then also as like with Christ also being raised on the third day!

And the many mention of three days in scripture!

Lazerus was raised on the fourth day.

In all cases, the raising happened after the fact.

If we then can agree that the Rapture is associated with Pentecost, what about the third day after Pentecost?!

Perhaps this could also be a very real possibility!  Humm

So then Pentecost being equated with the Rapture, therefore three days after might hold some promise!


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Bump, may have some importance!  TR

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