Nov 11th....
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Nov 11th....

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If Nov 11th does pan out then following the model, tribulation would start one week later!  Again, so far I have not experienced any quickening in my spirit!  And reiterate that I believe we may be here till next Spring!  Many well thought teachings have calculated many reasonable dates, all to no avail!  As far as any date past the 11th I remain dubious!  Should the Lord not quicken any of our spirits, I would be fine with that as well!  Truly though, with every fiber of my being in body, soul and spirit I yearn to be in His presence soon!  I'm not so concerned with being in the "know"!    TR

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Nov 11th has now been moved to Nov 13 to more accurately reflect the 17th of Chesvan!  I'll take it!  TR

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Truly we find ourselves in the same boat excuse the pun as Noah.  After his age of building and witnessing drew to a close God could no longer tolerate the evil and wickedness which abounded!  I'm sure Noah having completed his tasks was just waiting and wondering when the Lord would judge the world!  Just as we are now doing!!!  And yet the Lord called him safely into the Ark 7 days before the wrath of God fell!  Will it be the same after we are raptured???  By the way,  did Noah have a 120 yr warning?!  Or just a general injunction to build!  Before Israel entered the "promised land"  they were given a three notice beforehand!  After the generation of unbelief had passed!  God's early warning system is also found in the shout of an Arch-angel and the trump of God!  Will there be any further notice from God?!  As we see the church becoming less fruitful and we see the wrath of God approaching.  So many like scenarios between us and Noah!  TR

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There is no doubt about it … we are leaving soon!


At COP 27, U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry Proposes Creation Of ‘Energy Transition Accelerator’ To Fulfil King Charles’ ‘Trillions Of Dollars’ Demand


Climate John Kerry, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Bezos Earth Fund announced a partnership today to work toward the creation of an Energy Transition Accelerator. Someone call King Charles, it’s on!

If you are a regular listener to our Prophecy News Podcast, then you no doubt have heard the incredible audio clip we play from time to time of Prince Charles speaking at the COP26 Climate Change event last year. He chillingly said “Here we need a vast military style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at his disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders.” Today at COP27, US Climate Envoy John Kerry took the first step to make good on that vision. For real.

Turns out, the Biden administration has been working feverishly behind the scenes to create an entirely new monetary source they call the Energy Transition Accelerator, a name right out of one of those cheesy, 1990’s Christian prophecy movies on the end times. “The partnership will work towards launching the ETA as an innovative, independent initiative to drive private investment in comprehensive energy transition strategies that accelerate the deployment of renewable power and the retirement of fossil fuel assets in developing countries.” Translation? We will kill gas and oil, and create a private digital currency that will provide the seed money for the coming government of Antichrist. King Charles called for two things, the first being trillions of dollars to fund it, and the second being a military operation to force people to get in line behind it. Today John Kerry told you they are almost halfway there. Tick, tock…..and I don’t mean the social media app from Communist China.

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Starts @ 1:35

The Antichrist Agenda for the world … The rapture is ever so close.

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I like your attitude. There's no doubt about it.  It's got to be soon.

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In the comment section:

The One World Religious Leaders  at COP27 are suppose to go to Mt Sinai on the 13th of November & bring back their own 10 commandments to share with world and this is the AC’s agenda.

I wonder if it will be the same 10 that were on the Georgia Guidestones?

Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof..... This comes to my mind often these days, but very much so in regard to this agenda. They also call the 10 principles the "10 commandments." I view the entire event as a satanic counterfeit to Moses' experience with our Lord and His provision of the original 10 commandments. Such a disgrace

At the COP conference they’re talking about a new ark of the covenant and talking about a new 10 Commandments


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What is the new ark of the covenant?

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That I’m not sure.

Could it be the Chrislam leaders created their own Ark of the Covenant because the original one hasn’t been unveiled yet?  And they will put their new Gaia 10 Commandments in this ark and then place it at the Chrislam Abrahamic House at the Grand Opening?

And then when the time is right for the Temple to be built, the Jews will bring out the true original one for the Temple Mount.

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Though there has been no quickening thus far, the 13th still looms large, and if we are not called home then it will be a threshold moment of rejection of the Almighty God!  TR

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it will be a threshold moment of rejection of the Almighty God!

I’m not understanding what you mean by this?

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