Nostalgic look back...
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Nostalgic look back...

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Recently I've been watching re-runs of the old T.V. show, Highway to Heaven!

Michael Landon had some great television shows.  Though dated and bending some theological rules, some of the episodes still brings tears to my eyes.

Faith, hope and love no matter how dated in it's presentation still evokes emotional responses, and still stirs our faith!

The point I guess is that the Lord has never stopped speaking to men.  From our days in the Garden till now, He continues to speak to the hearts of men.  The issue at hand throughout the generations has been who is listening.  So long as there is still someone to listen, the Lord shall continue to speak, IMHO!

It certainly not a matter of who we might be able to convince, but rather it's a matter of the conviction brought by the Holy Spirit!  And who will hear words of life.  It is truly marvelous to see the Lord working in individual hearts.  How tender He is in His manner, approach and leading!

Again I can see the Lord extending himself to reach the last of the harvest!  Waiting for the fruit to reach the perfect point of ripeness unto the harvest.  Though my moniker might be Tender Reed, He alone is our tender God!

I think it is better to be patient for God's work rather than to simply exercise patience for the Rapture.



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It certainly not a matter of who we might be able to convince, but rather it’s a matter of the conviction brought by the Holy Spirit! 

That is the key and it seems so many forget this. It is not our job to convert anyone. That is the Holy Spirit's job. Ours is just to deliver the message.

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Indeed He asks for our prayers, but He is the only one who administers the disposition of those prayers!  Faith can indeed move mountains, but only if the Lord wants that mountain removed in the first place.


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May the Lord continue to bless us all and remind us of all the good and fond memories He has made and given unto us!  For we are instructed to remember His good and perfect gifts that He sends our way.

Looking back is not a sin, but looking at sin with wantonness is!


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Amen!   Just this morning in my quiet time, I couldn't stay focused on my reading. Memories of my youth were swirling around in my head.  They were good memories; things I haven't thought about for a long time like the "talents" I inherited from both of my grandmothers- both of whom I never met.  I know they are gifts from God.  We all have them, and I do try to make a point to thank God for these things.

Just recently I was speaking with a young women who I have known since she was about 5 years old.  She is now 40 years old.  We were discussing our New Year's Resolutions.  She told me that her resolution is to be a better "witness".  I told her that was a wonderful resolution!   It made me revisit MY resolution.  :-(

Without talking "prophecy", I knew she was feeling the urgency and importance to be about our Father's business.   How uplifting!!!

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It seems to me that everyone on Earth whether spoken or unspoken senses great changes in our future.  Some viewed as good, but even the God haters live with much trepidation regarding the future.

As we enter into the age of instability the foundations of men seem to be crumbling.  Uncertainty reigns!  Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die seems to be mantra of many!


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Yep, without Jesus ... all the unsaved have to drown out their disappointments and sorrows are the things around them.  They try to find a false sense of happiness in partying, eating, drinking, drugs ... nothing new under the sun ... just like in the days of Noah were before judgment came.

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indeed when we look back, we look at not only what the Lord hath wrought, but we see the lives within that great cloud of witnesses.  None is perfect, but our faith is stirred up by those that have gone on before us, as well as those around us.

Many here have fought the good fight as well!  Simply continue in loving the Lord and drawing ever deeper into His heart.  For that's the safest place there can be.  Again, may the Lord continue to be an ever present help for each of us.

Psalms 28:7  " heart trusted in Him, and I Am helped!

