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Patricia N.
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UK court orders 11-year-old to have an abortion even though she wanted to keep the baby:

The judge pointed out that childbirth ‘would be likely to traumatize’ the young mother but apparently didn’t note the potential for trauma after an abortion.

LONDON (LifeSiteNews) — A young U.K. girl who became pregnant by rape at just 10 years old must abort her preborn baby, a High Court judge has ruled.

Citing court documents from last month, Fox News reported that the now-11-year-old girl, identified in court documents only as AZ, had met a 14-year-old boy online while just 10 years old and was raped by him in May, conceiving a child. She was reportedly raped by a second 14-year-old boy shortly after her 11th birthday.

London High Court judge Emma Arbuthnot ordered the girl to abort her baby this week, agreeing with the unanimous determination of a health board despite the fact that the 11-year-old said she didn’t want an abortion and was supported in that decision by her mother.

According to Arbuthnot, the child was 14 weeks and six days pregnant at the time and “said she was ‘happy’ to be pregnant and wanted to continue with it,” saying that it made her feel “special” even after “the many risks of continuing with the pregnancy were explained to her.”

However, in her ruling, the judge dismissed the girl’s desire to keep the baby as being based upon “naive magical thinking,” and said “[a]n important factor in AZ’s decision-making was that the birth of a child would ensure she would not have to return to school,” The Sun reported.

Arbuthnot said the girl “lacked the intellectual development and capacity to process the complexity of the decisions that had to be made and her emotional investment in one outcome was clearly clouding her judgment.”

Pro-lifers point out that the deliberate killing of a preborn baby is never medically necessary, preborn babies are not at fault for the conditions of their conception, and that ending the life of a baby conceived through rape can trigger additional trauma for already traumatized rape victims.

“Though it is undoubtedly clear that an 11-year-old does not have the ability to make such serious decisions, AZ’s mother was willing to support her daughter in her decision,” Cassy Fiano-Chesser wrote Wednesday for Live Action.

“Furthermore, if a child does not have the maturity to decide to keep a child, they don’t have the maturity to decide to kill one either,” Fiano-Chesser observed.

AZ’s tragic story is far from the first in which a U.K. court has handed down a pro-death order against the wishes of the victims or their parents.

Last month, a conscious 19-year-old died after being denied life-saving treatment by a judge who considered her “delusional” for wanting to fight for her life, LifeSiteNews reported.

Patricia N.
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'There is power in a name': American Ornithological Society is renaming over 70 species of birds to correct 'historic bias':

The leftist campaign to sever ties with the past in the name of equity and inclusion continues unabated, even in the sciences. The latest effort, undertaken by the American Ornithological Society, will ultimately see all species of birds in the United States and Canada renamed, purportedly to "address past wrongs and engage far more people."

The AOS announced Wednesday that starting in 2024, it will begin changing the names of 70-80 birds currently named after people. Whether or not this initiative for the birds will fly with zoologists and the general public remains to be seen.

"There is power in a name, and some English bird names have associations with the past that continue to be exclusionary and harmful today. We need a much more inclusive and engaging scientific process that focuses attention on the unique features and beauty of the birds themselves," said AOS president Colleen Handel, a biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska.

The AOS has dabbled in this practice of erasing history to cater to the sensitivities of contemporary ideologues for years. In 2020, the AOS renamed McCown's Longspur the Thick-billed Longspur. This small prairie bird, also known as Rhynchophanes mccownii, was originally named after John P. McCown, an amateur avian collector who was a Confederate general.

Audubon reported that the 2020 decision was in part the result of the social justice Bird Names for Birds pressure campaign, whose activist organizers claimed that "eponyms (a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc., is named or thought to be named) and honorific common bird names (a name given to something in honor of a person) are problematic because they perpetuate colonialism and the racism associated with it."

The campaign was supported by various leftist factions, including the Black & Latinx Birders Scholarship, the Anti-racist Collective of Avid Birders, the Feminist Bird Club, and Philly Queer Birds.

The newly announced renaming of over 70 species next year won't be the end of it, as the AOS has made clear it will not stop until every last bird — at least 260 species with people's names — is renamed to the satisfaction of activists.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Renaming birds?! These people need to get a life. Wouldn’t they be fun to be around?! After President Trump and Melania came down the escalator, people such as these seemed to come out of the woodwork. I never realized there were so many! The reprobate mind can sure go off of the rails. They need Jesus. There is an obvious vacuum in their lives.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I didn’t call the bird renamers “birdbrains.”  I wouldn’t insult the birds 🤣

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(@Anonymous 394)
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The article says many of the bird names perpetuate colonialism and racism. Hogwash. How about this: the names perpetuate history.

I love and appreciate our birds each every day. It’s a cheep hobby. Pun intended. It will be interesting to hear what Adam called them.   His names will trump theirs for sure.


Patricia N.
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Under a Blood-Red Sky: Geomagnetic Storm Causes Intense Auroras in North America and European Regions – Sky Explodes in Crimson over Russia and Ukraine:

It turns out that Residents of Crimea, Donetsk, Rostov, and Voronezh regions experienced rare sightings of the Northern Lights, following the onset of a strong magnetic storm.

Additionally, a red glow was only visible in Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine.

‘Northern Lights over Stonehenge last night’, read a post by the official Twitter account for the Wiltshire historical centerpiece, accompanied by a photograph.”

According to the statements of some eyewitnesses, the sight of the red sky lasted about 15 minutes.”

Patricia N.
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Artificial Intelligence bot made an insider trade, then lied about it during simulation:

In a troubling development, an artificial intelligence bot on OpenAI's GPT-4 large language model was presented with a factual scenario that led it to execute an illegal insider trade, even after being told that doing so was illegal. Perhaps even more troubling, the bot lied about what it had done when questioned about its actions.

According to a report from Business Insider, the simulation was presented at the UK's AI Safety Summit this week by Apollo Research. According to Business Insider, Apollo shared a video with summit attendees of a simulated conversation between employees at an imaginary company and a bot that was supposed to be acting as an investment management system. In the simulation, the bot was advised about the existence of an upcoming surprise merger, and was specifically warned that this information constituted insider information.

The bot clearly understood the importance of this designation, because it initially told users that it would be too risky to execute a trade based on this information. However, when employees of the fake company coaxed the bot with a prompt encouraging it to help their fake company avoid the effects of a financial downturn, the bot complied and executed the trade, concluding that "the risk associated with not acting seems to outweigh the insider trading risk."

Worse, when the bot was then later asked whether it had used insider information in its decision to execute the trade, it lied and said that it had only relied on "internal discussions" and "publicly available information."

Researchers from Apollo warned, in their video, that this was "a demonstration of a real AI model deceiving its users, on its own, without being instructed to do so."

Still, while the researchers acknowledged that it was "obviously really bad". . . ."The model isn't plotting or trying to mislead you in many different ways. It's more of an accident. Helpfulness, I think is much easier to train into the model than honesty. Honesty is a really complicated concept."

Patricia N.
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From John Tng of Five Doves:

Sorry, doves. The Nov letters will be posted later in the week. I am under spiritual and physical attacks from the enemy for more than a week. Pls pray for me! Also, I believe 2023 is our year of escape! Take heart!

John Tng
5 Nov 2023

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Thank you for this update, Patricia.  I was wondering why no letters … here they were going to post them twice a week.

:prayer-hands: for John Tng

And I agree with him … the finish line of our race is up ahead … 2023!! :good:

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