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Frankly, I didn't read the story, but the title alone is hilarious.

A Utah couple accidentally shipped their cat with an Amazon return.

Poor cat looks confused. I hope her owners don't keep shipping her to other places by mistake!

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Poor Kitty!

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@terry She looks sad! It's upsetting.

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Bittersweet, funny, then again, not so much. Ha.

Patricia N.
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Columbia University on NYPD Raid: ‘We Were Left with No Choice’:

Columbia University issued a statement in response to reports that officers from the New York Police Department (NYPD) had begun a raid on the campus.

“A little after 9 p.m. this evening, the NYPD arrived on campus at the University’s request,” the statement from the university said. “This decision was made to restore safety and order to our community.”

NYPD officers dressed in riot gear were recorded preparing to move into Columbia University, hours after anti-Israel protests had seized control of Hamilton Hall, an academic building on campus.

Anti-Israel protesters were captured on video smashing the glass doors of the building, bringing barricades inside, and hanging pro-Palestinian banners from the windows.

NYPD officers were seen removing several protesters and making arrests.   

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‘You Guys Put Yourself in That Position’: Columbia Protest Leader Struggles for Words as Reporters Expose Hypocrisy for Demanding University to Feed Protesters Who Occupied Hamilton Hall:

....The protesters have laid out clear demands: for Columbia University to divest from Israel, increase transparency regarding their financial affiliations, and grant amnesty to all students involved in the prolonged demonstrations, Fox News reported.

Protestors are now demanding that the university provide them with food and water, essential supplies they were cut off from due to their own barricades. They argue that their basic needs should be met despite their aggressive actions.

A reporter challenged the protest leader, asking why the university should cater to the needs of those who unlawfully occupied its property.

“Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who’ve taken over a building?” the reporter asked.

The leader’s response was a mix of entitlement and confusion, first asserting an obligation due to paid meal plans, then scrambling to clarify the nature of their requests for “basic humanitarian aid.”

Reporter: “Don’t they have water? But they did put themselves in that very deliberately in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you’re saying, ‘We want to be revolutionaries. We want to take up this building. Now, would you please bring us food and water?'”

Investigative reporter Jordan Schachtel was able to identify the Pro-Hamas spokesperson.

“I did a quick search and found that this lady, who refused to reveal her name, is named Johannah King-Slutzky. She is a paid instructor & PhD candidate at Columbia studying “theories of the imagination & poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens.” No, I’m not making this up,” Schachtel wrote on X.   

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Paul R
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@patrician Give them a tear gas take-away.

Patricia N.
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I can't believe this is happening at our universities and mostly nothing is being done about it.

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Can’t Make This Up: Emergency Slide Falls Off Boeing Plane, Discovered Outside Home of Lawyer Whose Firm Is Suing Boeing:

An emergency slide that fell off a Boeing 767 passenger aircraft shortly after taking flight last week was discovered two days later outside the home of a lawyer whose firm is currently suing Boeing over manufacturing safety issues.

Attorney Jake Bissell-Linsk, whose firm is currently suing Boeing due to one of its planes losing a door plug during a flight in January, discovered the emergency slide from Delta Airlines Flight 520 washed ashore on some rocks outside his oceanfront home in New York City.

In a statement to the New York Post, Bissel-Linsk shared, “I didn’t want to touch it, but I got close enough to get a close look at it.”

Shortly after Bissell-Linsk made the discovery, a crew of Delta workers was called out to remove the emergency slide from the rocks.
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@patrician of all the places it could have ended up, had to be outside the home of a lawyer!

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Canadian Town To Require QR Code To Leave?

Circulating reports indicate a remote Canadian town will require a QR code to enter or leave.  Unsurprisingly, the reports have sparked severe criticism.  The controversy stems from Îles-de-la-Madeleine, an archipelago in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  The municipality, consisting of 12 islands, is home to approximately 12,000 residents.  A proposed $30 tourist fee caused an uproar.

“The municipal council of Îles-de-la-Madeleine wishes to adopt a new measure for its citizens, namely that of mandatory identification to leave their municipality,” TVA Nouvelles wrote (translated).

“Canada now has a town that forces you to scan a QR code to enter and leave, and then charges you a $30 tax,” journalist Keean Bexte commented.

“Madeleine Island getting QR codes in order to leave and if you don’t get your QR code, you will be fined,” one woman claimed in a viral video.  “That’s the very first QR code prison here in Canada. And it is going to sweep the nation faster than you can think if people don’t stand up and take a stand against these QR codes,” she continued.

“It’s not happening in your town yet but it most certainly will be,” she added.   

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@patrician what happened to freedom of mobility!

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They want people to get rid of their cars and live in 15-minute cities.  But, it starts with this--a tax on tourists.

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Insanity is the rule of the day. Will the citizenry sleep through this or will they stand up? 

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Americans are fleeing blue cities — and their suburbs:

This is all a result of the catastrophic mismanagement and arrogance of urban governments in one-party, Democrat-controlled cities.

People have been leaving many of America’s major cities for years, as high taxes and the failure or deliberate refusal to maintain law and order have generated a downward spiral of living conditions. Now, suburbanites are increasingly deserting high-tax, high-disorder urban areas as well.

“Major metropolitan areas (over 1,000,000 population) lost 2 million net domestic migrants to other parts of the nation in just three years (2021-2023),” the Committee to Unleash Prosperity reports.  This exodus is not just a matter of Americans in big cities moving to nearby suburbs. 

Millions of Americans have been victimized by the rise of crime. Retail stores, restaurants, bars, and other gathering places have closed down or fled to less-disturbed places. Service deterioration and lack of commuter safety have made public transit a reasonable choice only for the desperate, such as those who must use it to get to work. Large areas are no-go zones because of the preponderance of unpredictable homeless people. Illegal immigrants flood the local schools and make learning difficult for those already there. Declining services and torn-up streets impede commerce and safety. And so on.

A particularly compelling factor is many urban governments’ conscious choice during the past decade not to apprehend and prosecute large numbers of people who commit crimes. Broken streetlights, tangled traffic, and streets marred by potholes are inconveniences. Crime is a dire threat to people’s lives and well-being.

“Last year, the 10 counties that gained the most through net migration had one thing in common — they were conservative counties that voted for Donald Trump in 2020,” the editors write. “At the other end of the spectrum, all 10 counties that saw the biggest negative net migration also have one thing in common — they all voted for Biden in 2020.”

States that vote for Republican presidential candidates have better governmentslower tax ratesbetter job marketshigher fertility rates with a widening advantage over other statesmuch smaller percentages of homeless peoplelower murder rates at the county levelbetter protections against voter fraud, and superiority in a variety of other measures.

Throughout the country, Democrat-run metros are falling into a destructive-governance spiral in which bad policies create adverse outcomes, productive people leave, the government increases tax rates and cuts services for those who remain, more people and businesses depart, the shrinking tax base reduces government revenues further, the government cuts services, more people leave, and the decline accelerates. Things are going to get even worse in these places unless their governments reverse course and restore order.

Americans are voting with their feet, increasingly leaving Democrat-run places and their problems for greener pastures. Meanwhile, many of those cities persist in imposing policies that are detrimental to them, heightening the misery for those left behind. As is often the case, the populace is proving to be far wiser than the politicians.

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Pentagon Confirms Americans Sharing Air Base with Russian Troops in Niger:

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed on Friday that American troops are sharing space on Airbase 101, a facility in the capital of Niger, with Russian military forces, but dismissed the Russians’ presence as “not a significant issue here.”

Reuters reported late on Friday that the government of Niger – a military junta known as the “National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland” that took power in a televised coup in July – had allowed Russian forces onto the airbase.

“A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hangar at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger’s capital,” Reuters relayed.

The anonymous official described the situation as “not great.”

Abdramane noted in the national address making the announcement that Niger was pursuing closer ties with Russia to buy military equipment, presumably to replace the protection from U.S. forces. Subsequent reports suggested that the Nigerien coup regime leaders were particularly outraged by American officials discouraging them from pursuing closer ties to Russia, Iran, and other enemies of the United States. Echoing those early reports, Reuters cited an anonymous American official in its report on Thursday who said that the Americans told the coup regime that Washington would not agree to sharing military facilities with the Russians, and the Nigerians “did not take that well.”

The United States is believed to have an estimated 1,000 service members stationed in the country, present there as a result of agreements with Bazoum to combat joint terrorist threats... Some reports indicate that most Americans are now stationed not in Airbase 101, but in Airbase 201 in Agadez, a facility that Reuters noted cost $100 million in American taxpayers’ dollars to build.

A Congressional report obtained by Breitbart News in April suggested that American troops in Niger are languishing in unacceptable conditions, facing shortages of basic medicine and other goods and denied information on when, or if, they will be relieved of their duties. The report, from the office of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), described conditions at Airbase 101, where the Russians are now believed to be stationed.

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