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Patricia N.
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Left Wing Billionaire George Soros Buying Hundreds of American Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election:

George Soros, the left’s favorite billionaire, is buying up American radio stations by the hundreds, ahead of the 2024 election.

This is obviously part of a strategy, because that’s what Soros does. He hatches backdoor plans to exert influence over American politics. A few years back, he pumped a ton of cash into district attorney races across the country and we all know how that worked out.

This is his new plan. Could there be more to this than gaining media influence?  Why is he even being allowed to do this?  The left despises conservative talk radio. Do you think Soros-owned stations will allow it?   

Perhaps Today
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I thought the left already owned almost all the stations.

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The White Throne Judgement will be quite interesting to say the least. 

Patricia N.
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Bizarre: Iran Declares Ownership of Antarctica, Plans to Build Military Base in South Pole:

Iran’s top Navy Commander announced that Iran owns Antarctica, and the regime plans to build a military base in the South Pole.

In a broadcast last fall, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani stated, “We have property rights in the South Pole. We have a plan to raise our flag there and carry out military and scientific work.”

Iran’s declaration of ownership of Antarctica came around the same time the Biden admin decided to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds that were being held in Qatar.

It’s unclear if Iran’s statement was just a blanket threat, considering their action of claiming ownership of Antarctica violates the Antarctic Treaty, which came into force in 1961.

Patricia N.
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Minnesota School District Allows Muslim Families to Opt Out of LGBTQ Curriculum:

Alpha News has reported the St. Louis Park School District will now allow parents to opt out of their children from any curriculum that promotes LGBTQ ideology.

The move by the district comes after the First Liberty Institute and True North Legal sent a letter on behalf of six Muslim families that stated forcing Muslims to learn LGBTQ lessons is a violation of the First Amendment.

“We believe that we have a sacred obligation to teach the principles of our faith to our children without being undermined by the schools. We are grateful to First Liberty for helping us and to the school for recognizing the importance of our faith,” said Fatuma Irshat, one of the mothers.

After the District made the decision, Minnesota’s “Queer Caucus” let it known they were against the decision.   

Patricia N.
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New York Migrants Receiving Cash Welfare Payments After Quiet Rule Change:

The Democrat-controlled state of New York has been quietly handing out cash payments to thousands of migrants under a rule change qualifying non-citizens for welfare.

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) modified its Safety Net Assistance (SNA) program’s parameters in 2023, making migrants who have filled out asylum application forms eligible to receive even more taxpayer dollars. 

According to Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), it’s “horrible that Gov. Hochul found another way to attract migrants” to the state while “putting the squeeze” on middle- and lower-income New Yorkers who don’t want their tax dollars going to this.

“You have people from all over the world coming to New York to take advantage of all these left-wing programs the governor, the mayor are implementing, while at the same time, they’re clobbering taxpayers over the head,” she told the Post. “[Safety Net Assistance] is a program that’s supposed to be for New Yorkers who temporarily need it to get through a difficult time in their lives.”

City Councilman Robert Holden (D) agreed, saying, “The endless handouts to the entire world are a slap in the face to every citizen who has contributed to and sacrificed for this country.”

“It’s time to end this madness,” he added.   

Patricia N.
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Shark Tanks’ O’Leary: After Trump Fraud Ruling, I Would Never Invest in ‘Mega Loser’ New York:

Shark Tank star and investor Kevin O’Leary said Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto Coast To Coast” that former President Donald Trump’s $350 million-plus fraud ruling was causing him to rethink investing in the “mega loser state” of New York.

O’Leary said, “I’m not different than any other investor. I’m shocked at this. I can’t even understand or fathom the decision at all. There’s no rationale for it.”

He continued, “It does not matter what the governor says. New York was already a loser state, like California is a loser state there are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, and uncompetitive regulation it was already on the top of the list to be the loser state. I would never invest in New York now. I’m not the only person saying that.”   

Patricia N.
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State Supreme Court Rules Embryos ARE Children!

A ruling from the Supreme Court in the state of Alabama has released a stunning verdict: That embryos are “children” under state law and protected by the same laws that apply to children already born.

A Fox report explained, “The couples who filed the lawsuit claim a wandering patient gained access to the cryogenic storage area, removed embryos from the freezer, and dropped the embryos on the floor, destroying them.”

The ruling sends the case back down to the Mobile Circuit Court for further proceedings. The couples are seeking damages.

The ruling determined, “All parties to these cases, like all members of this Court, agree that an unborn child is a genetically unique human being whose life begins at fertilization and ends at death. The parties further agree that an unborn child usually qualifies as a ‘human life,’ ‘human being,’ or ‘person,’ as those words are used in ordinary conversation and in the text of Alabama’s wrongful-death statutes. That is true, as everyone acknowledges, throughout all stages of an unborn child’s development, regardless of viability.”

It stated, “The ordinary meaning of ‘child’ includes children who have not yet been born.”

Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote a special concurrence, said, “A good judge follows the Constitution instead of policy, except when the Constitution itself commands the judge to follow a certain policy. In these cases, that means upholding the sanctity of unborn life, including unborn life that exists outside the womb. Our state Constitution contains the following declaration of public policy: ‘This state acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life.'”            

Patricia N.
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Core claim in LGBT narrative around 'gender-affirming care' busted in new Finnish study:

A new study has concluded sex change surgeries 'do not have an impact on suicide risk.'

Activists and profit-incentivized health professionals have long told parents with supposedly gender-dysphoric children that they have a choice between a "dead son or a live daughter" or between a "living son or a dead daughter." In other words, many parents have been presented with the choice of either subjecting their mentally compromised child to irreversible and sterilizing sex-change medical interventions or running the risk of their child committing suicide.

A new peer-reviewed study in the esteemed quarterly journal BMJ Mental Health has put a nail in the coffin of this deceitful proposition.

Finnish researchers wanted to figure out whether adolescents and young adults with "clinically significant" gender dysphoria were less likely to kill themselves if provided so-called "gender-affirming" care.

After analyzing all-cause and suicide deaths among a study population of 2,083 of "gender-referred adolescents" and 16,643 of matched controls, the researchers concluded that "medical gender reassignment does not have an impact on suicide risk."

Worse yet for the LGBT activists' case, the study notes that a 2011 peer-reviewed study in PLOS One actually revealed that "even when psychiatric morbidity was controlled for, participants diagnosed as transsexual in adulthood who had undergone both hormonal and surgical [sex-change surgeries] displayed increased suicide mortality compared with matched population controls."   

Patricia N.
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GOP senators propose bill to protect aborted babies from gruesome medical experimentation:

Republican members of the U.S. Senate introduced a bill to end federal taxpayer support for research involving human fetal tissue obtained from abortions and to close loopholes in the law that have allowed the trafficking of the body parts of aborted children to continue.

Senate bill S.3713, titled the “Protecting Life and Integrity in Research Act,” would “prohibit the Federal Government from conducting, funding, approving, or otherwise supporting any research involving human fetal tissue that is obtained pursuant to an induced abortion, and to prohibit the solicitation or knowing acquisition, receipt, or acceptance of a donation of such tissue.”

“The harvesting and trafficking of the body parts of unborn babies killed through abortion is heinous and unethical,” said Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, the bill’s chief sponsor.  The restrictions are necessary to prevent the type of horrifying experiments with aborted baby body parts that have been conducted in laboratories at the University of Pittsburgh.

In December 2020, LifeSiteNews reported that medical researchers at the university were grafting scalps from aborted babies onto rodents.  Aborted baby scalps grafted onto mice. Their organs transplanted. Humanized mice developed at the University of Pittsburgh, all to study the immune system. Supported by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID. Paid for by us.

“The University of Pittsburgh is a hub for some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on late-term aborted human infants — experiments funded by the United States government,” the narrator explains. “At the same time, the University sponsors the local Planned Parenthood abortion business in what looks like an illegal quid-pro-quo for fetal body parts.”

At one point, the video shows a photo from a protocol developed by a University of Pittsburgh scientist “for harvesting the freshest, most pristine livers from five-month-old aborted babies in order to isolate massive numbers of stem cells for experimental transplantation into adults.”

“You can see the premature baby, aborted alive via ‘labor induction,’” the description continues, “under surgical drapes, with the umbilical cord off to one side as the baby is cut open to harvest the liver.”

The scientist who developed this experiment reportedly received nearly $3 million from NIH.
Shortly after taking office, Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration overturned restrictions on federal funding of the use of fetal tissue — body parts of aborted babies — for experimental purposes. The policy reversed a ban put in place by former President Donald Trump limiting federal funding for such research.

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