Carry on! Outrageous! German Family Who Sought Asylum After Being Fined by the German Government for Homeschooling Their Children Now Faces U.S. Deportation After 15 Years: A German family who have lived in Tennessee for 15 years with government permission to homeschool their children may be deported this month after fighting unsuccessfully for asylum. While the southern border remains open, allowing illegal immigrants with criminal histories to enter the country, law-abiding citizens like the Romeike family from Germany, who sought asylum for religious and educational freedom, are facing deportation. The Romeike family moved to the United States in 2008, seeking the freedom to homeschool their children in line with their evangelical Christian faith, The Tennessean reported. In Germany, homeschooling for religious reasons is not permitted, and the family faced fines and compulsory public schooling for their children. The couple, who are evangelical Christians, decided to educate their kids on their own after witnessing how their children’s “whole personalities changed” and suffered health issues while attending public school, Uwe Romeike said. The contents of their children’s textbooks, which included concepts against their religion such as endorsing abortion and homosexuality, in addition to insulting “family values,” further soured the parent’s faith in the public schools, according to court documents. “The content we found in there is diametrically against what we believe in,” Uwe Romeike said. “Why would you teach a child to be disrespectful to parents? Why would you trust the Devil over God?” After being slapped with over $7,000 in fines for yanking their kids from the public school system — and having the police show up at their door to escort their children to public school — the Romeikes relocated to Morristown, Tenn., where they filed for asylum, according to court documents. Initially, a U.S. immigration judge granted the Romeike family asylum in 2010, citing a “well-founded fear of persecution” by the German government. However, Obama’s U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) appealed the decision and the family’s asylum status was revoked in May 2012. . . . .in September 2023, the family was informed that they had four weeks to secure passports for their return to Germany and was given no explanation for their sudden deportation. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) wrote this week a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/outrageous-german-family-who-sought-asylum-after-being/ Planned Parenthood Gives Teens Sex Change Hormones After 30-Minute Consult: Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has increasingly been providing what the left calls “gender-affirming care” for people who believe they are transgender — and in the case of at least one teen, a clinic allegedly supplied him with sex-change hormones after a 30-minute consultation, the Washington Free Beacon reported this week. The teen, whose parents asked the publication to call “Fred,” is an 18-year-old high school student in New Jersey who was diagnosed with autism at age four and struggled with anxiety and depression as he got older, according to the report. Reporter Aaron Sibarium noted that like many individuals on the autism spectrum, Fred “cycles through obsessions and extreme views.” Upon turning 18, Fred went to a Planned Parenthood in late July when his parents had gone out of town. The clinic “prescribes hormones to any legal adult without a letter from a therapist or a formal diagnosis for gender dysphoria,” according to the report. Instead, Planned Parenthood only requires a short consultation, usually with a nurse practitioner, and warnings about the side effects from taking hormones, which can include permanent infertility, baldness, and mood swings, the report stated. Rather than being carefully evaluated in a months-long process by psychiatrists, a nurse practitioner had prescribed their special-needs son with estrogen in half an hour without their knowledge or permission, the report stated. “It’s criminal what Planned Parenthoods all over the country are doing,” Fred’s mother, a New Jersey pediatrician, told the outlet. “And most people have no idea this is happening.” Sibarium wrote that what happened to Fred is a “microcosm of how the nation’s largest abortion provider is eroding the already thin guardrails on gender medicine in America.” While waitlists grow at slower clinics such as Children’s National, concern is growing that young people are rushing to Planned Parenthood to accelerate the process and “circumvent the safeguards.” I read this story but was unaware that Blackburn was getting involved. Thanks for helping me sleep better tonight. Maybe some justice will come on this one. Putin Warns That When Russia Nukes America “There Is No Chance Of Survival” And “There Will Be No Single Enemy Left”: The Russians are feverishly preparing to fight a nuclear war, but our leaders continue to insist that nuclear war is not a threat because the Russians would never use their nuclear weapons against us no matter how much we may provoke them. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin continues to make public statements about nuking America. I don’t know why our leaders are not taking such statements seriously. If the Russians feel backed into a corner, they will not hesitate to use their most powerful weapons. As I have repeatedly warned my readers, we do not have the ability to intercept and destroy Russian nuclear missiles. Once the Russians launch their missiles, they will hit their targets. Meanwhile, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that went into service in the 1970s still form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal. The S-500 anti-missile system that the Russians possess was specifically designed “for intercepting and destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles”, and it could handle Minuteman missiles with relative ease. But just in case some get through, the Russians have been spending enormous amounts of money to upgrade thousands of bomb shelters… And this week in Russia there was a nationwide drill meant to prepare the general population for a potential nuclear attack… SIRENS blared out across Russia today and children donned gas masks as part of a terrifying drill for an incoming nuclear attack. At the same time, our leaders continue to assure us that there is no risk of a full-blown nuclear conflict. According to a shocking new survey that was just released, more than 71 percent of Americans “have no faith in the U.S. government to save them or prevent a doomsday event”… As American cannot come to the aide of Israel — but looks like we are now with this preliminary ruin of Damascus (that is coming quickly) —- and America is not in the tribulation as one of the 10 kings — it may very well be the event from Russia that does not allow American to come to the aide of Israel and only God can… and He does in a mighty way…. I have often felt that I would not see the grave, as many that I have talked with over the years have stated — so look up — we are going home within minutes — it is no longer years, months, days, hours, it is ANY minute (imminent). :yahoo: And America continues to let illegals inside the borders … far and few females. They are now coming from: West African, India, Egypt and … now … yesterday the group were 500 Syrians came across the border. All young men fighting age. The cartels moved them to the middle of nowhere Arizona called Lukeville. This particular group were about 150. The press are not allowed to get close to see what’s happening inside the tent camps. According to this guy reporting these Syrian men will then be move to other locations … (just snap shots) - Fair Use - Comment section: We Christians living in the West, we must prepare for persecution, because Jihadists (IS and Al Qaeda) can attack churches and individual Christians all over the world during the ongoing war in Israel which has the potential to escalate into a large regional conflict in the Middle East. - Fair Use - Another person said don’t give up your guns and make sure you have plenty of ammo just in case we are still here to see another 9/11 event before departure. I certainly hope your timing assessment is correct. Others have expressed concern about the type of illegals that are crossing our borders for some time now, and especially lately. A far cry from when many were Mexican mothers coming across to deliver their babies so that they would automatically become citizens. Now most are young men of whom many have criminal backgrounds, and criminal intent on their minds. And all under this Administration and the deep state, who is Not FOR the People, but who are against the People! Not a good combination! We should not have fear, but we should be wise in the Lord. Just listen to Gods still small voice inside, paying attention to the Holy Spirit inside us, Who at any time, any day, anywhere, may alert your senses to not go here or there, or at that time, or that day....or to leave or turn back, or to not fight and rush to get to your planned destination at a set time. If you are hindered, consider it may be the Lord's protection. While we wait, invite the Lord, in these trying times, to direct each day, to warn us if / when needed, and to protect all that concerns us. :bible :rose: A Prayer for Protection by the Blood of Jesus over my House and Family Loving Heavenly Father, I come before you in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I place into your hands my life, my family, my household and belongings. I pray for a cover of protection through the blood of Jesus, around me and my family. Cover me and each member of my family (now mention the names of your family members) with the Blood of Jesus and protect us from all diseases, accidents, death apart from of God's timing, from all forces of evil, sorcery, witchcraft and black magic. Let the precious blood of Jesus cover my house, my properties, my business, my job, my finances, my vehicles and my journeys. Send Your Angels to guard us and to protect us. Surround us with Your presence all the time. I surrender to you all my activities of today, the places I go to, and the people I meet. Protect me from all sin and evil. Thank You Jesus and I praise You Jesus. ( J Lasrado)
“As millions of illegal immigrants flood across our southern border and disappear into our country, your immigration authorities have chosen to punish a family who has built their lives in Tennessee within the legal parameters of our immigration system.”