The previous locust swarm was bad but they are predicting the next wave could be 20 times bigger. Worse yet, with favourable breeding conditions the swarm after that could coincide with harvest season. 🙁 Just one more thing to destroy the world's economy. Maranatha! :prayer-hands: Yes! Been observing the food chain supply in the US and globally ... everyone will feel the famine REALLY kick in by next year. Not only the plagues or lack of water/too much water destroying the crops but I’m also seeing the prices of items going up tremendously because a lot of vendors have to throw out good food because the supply and demand are not there due to closure of schools, restaurants, theme parks, etc. Another clue the rapture hast to happen in 2020. Rev. 6:6 ... “Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages, and six pounds of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" Ew ... we also now have a rat problem because their main source of food supply has been cut off from various grocery stores, restaurants, food court in malls, at the airports ... ((shivers)). Bigger rats are now ganging up and eating the weaker ones. Won’t this lead to more diseases/plagues? :wacko: ”Starving, angry and cannibalistic: America's rats are getting desperate amid coronavirus pandemic” Yeah. It's going to be super ugly if the lockfown drags on for months. 🙁 I feel so terrible for the African farmers. 🙁 Worst locust swarm in 70 years, they say. Interesting number, that 70. I checked a what happened in 1950 website. Apparently, Jordan formally annexed the West Bank on April 24th, 1950 There is no doubt, we are well on the way to Biblical and God ordained events! But we have a God who loves His people! We like Moses may stand at the waters edge only to see the mighty saving hand of the Lord! TR Amen! TR, you are the calm voice of reason. I go back to my title question on an earlier thread, and it seems more poignant than ever. How bad is the Lord going allow things to get before He rescues His Bride? I sure hope not much longer... I expect we shall all have our faith tried! But the Lord is merciful and will remember our frames! TR
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