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Need prayer and guidance...

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Don't let that beautiful joy you exude be deterred.

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We can operate with the spirit of God, fight the spirit of Satan, or deal with the spirit of man!

Bless your heart Sis!


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Guess what T.R. ?   Last night I experienced 2 demonic attacks …
before 3:00 am and before 5:00 am.   The first attack was more mild but woke me up anyway … they pushed in my face the 4 horsemen movie and heard a whole bunch of weird motor noises and I was paralyzed couldn’t move so I called out silently JESUS and got relief. Then it happened again but this time I was hearing Christian music from a radio that was NOT turned on and woke up paralyzed and they were threatening and taunting me so I called out silently again JESUS to get relief.  Not sure “the why” yet that they are disturbing me …

Are they mad I posted the 4 horsemen movie heads up the other day and perhaps someone lurked on the board and saw it and got saved? :unsure:

Or was it some Wiccan didn’t like my comment in this thread they are nothing but Trouble with a capital T  and that I’m praying for you? :unsure:

Or yesterday I was outside minding my own business and got my mail and was walking back and was in my driveway when this young “college student” guy was walking his dog … he came out of the wooded around across the street and said this weird comment … “that his dog had to greet me.”  So I waited for him and his dog to approach me and I was petting it … it was only generic “harmless” conversation of what is your dog’s name and what is your name etc. that is it. He lives in the unit behind my house and I notice at nighttime his bedroom is glowing red … anytime I look out … it reminds me of the pit of hell. So is this dude into satanic junk and the demons are afraid I will eventually share the Gospel with him? :unsure:

My dog went REALLY nuts while watching me talk to him and petting his dog … he was barking in fear and jumping up and down by the glass storm door like he was warning me.

I thought I was thru with this harassment junk … apparently not :scratch: … oh to get off this planet of wicked people and to be safe in heaven and not have to endure this junk anymore.   If I was in charge of that rapture button …. I would press it without any hesitation!  Good riddance I say and let the 2 witnesses and 144,000 deal with these sorry lot crowd of evil misfits.

Jumping down off my soapbox … no soap left in the box either …

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Just wanted to add … now that I had breakfast …

I’m just angry because they disturb my sleep.  They should know me by now their harassment threats don’t work. Instead I want to do the opposite …

Now if that young guy walks over and approaches with his dog again … I will have to keep a Bible tract handy and say … here you go … you really need to read this.   Keeping the witnessing short and sweet.

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As I say, demons know who we love and belong to!  Blessings of the Most High upon you beloved of the Lord!

No weapon formed against you shall prosper!!!


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:amen:   The demons know who are the Lord’s children and we need not be afraid of them.   I’m just cranky this morning from lack of sleep.

Back in 1998 I was soooo angry they were disturbing my sleep I said out loud thank you Lord for defeating satan at the cross! Then I tried to sleep and BAM they had the nerve to showed up again and I was lifted off the bed and they were violently shaking my body and while groaning Don’t Say That!!! … Don’t Say That!!!   Meanwhile I said silently JESUS and I felt my body fall down and bounce on the bed.  I’m not afraid of them because those groaning words were such pitiful helpless cries I will never forget that night and it helped me deal with future harassment from them. They are defeated foes and because JESUS LIVES we can face tomorrow and He comes to our rescue every time we call on His Mighty Name! :amen:


So how are you doing with your … neighbors?  Continually praying for a hedge of protection in your neck of the woods.

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TR, I don't know if someone mentioned this, cause I didn't have time to read the posts.

I just want to mention that years ago I was having a lot of problems with family members, then I finally commanded the devil not to interfere between me and family (or not to use them to attack me), the relationship got better.

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Just waiting and trusting in Jesus!

Geri, indeed God knows and loves you, no better way to anger God’s enemies or by their own admission is testimony to whom you belong and His power!


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The hatred eminating from my neighbors continues and is truly sad!

Praying the Lord's protection from the enemies darts, and praying He deal with them on my behalf!


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I don’t know where to put this prayer request … so I will stick it here …

Woohoo… the power wash guy did a GREAT job in cleaning off my siding and front and back porches … I complimented him on a fine job (he’s a young fella) and he was so pleased (sounds like his first apprentice job).  He looked like he was running out of drinking water as he took a quick break by his pickup truck and I said do you want some cold soda or bottled water? He said bottled water would be great .. so I got a bottle out of the refrig and quickly got a Bible Tract and witnessed to him. He seemed very grateful to know how easy it is to have eternal life and thanked me and he promised to read it later tonight and he says he lives with a buddy in an apartment and will share with him too.   I thought wow … thank you Jesus. I thought my witnessing days were over.  Can you say a prayer for him and his roommate?  Perhaps these are the last to board the airplane before take off?


P.S. praying for you T.R.

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