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My sister has been having nightly dreams about how near the rapture is!

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My mother just called me to tell me that my sister has been having very detailed nightly dreams about the Rapture, how near it is and how close we are to it.

My mother said that she has been having these dreams nightly for the last several weeks

When she told me I had chills go through out my whole body.

It was awesome. I hope shes right. Maranatha


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Can you elaborate? Anxious

to read more!!!! Ty

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I had a dream the night before last that I missed the train because I wasn't dressed. I took this to mean that I had better get my act together because the train is almost here.

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But if you are truly Born Again … you are automatically Rapture Ready no matter if you have unconfessed sins.   You can not lose your salvation.  Once saved always saved.  We sin daily but we are sealed like a zip lock bag … because … we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us.  This is the Blessed Assurance/Promise for the Church Age believers.


Ephesians 1:11-13

11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

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Sealed unto the day of redemption!


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a child of God, I am...  t'was adopted into the Family of God. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I am signed and sealed until the Day of the Lord!!! :yahoo:


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.....telling my age now....makes me think of the song..."here I am baby, signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours!" by Stevie Wonder. :mdrmdr:

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I remember that song but didn’t realize he sung it.   He had some real catchy ones.  My favorite of his is “I just called to say I Love You” it just seemed like a happy jivy tune.   I miss the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s easy listening music hits and most of the broadway songs.  That era was the best.  Oh and I can’t leave out the 50’s and 60’s  Doo Wop / Motown, etc. hits were fun to listen to as well even though they were before my time.

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Amen to what you said Geri.  I have gotten in to big time church fights in the past over OSAS in one church in particular where the preacher preached it, but some of the big donors didn’t believe it and were trying to get him fired.  I was stupid enough to it get in the middle of it trying to be he peacemaker, but that was the point I was trying to make and trying to get them to see some sense - I kept trying to tell them stop thinking in terms of OSAS “Once saved always saved” But instead start thinking in terms of “Once SEALED always saved” - since in truth that is why we are once saved always saved because once the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, He will not depart.  We might grieve Him a little, or sometimes a lot, but He will not depart and because of that we are sealed for redemption and will always be saved.  If you can lose your salvation then Jesus is only offering “temporary” salvation that can be lost and not eternal salvation right?  The Holy Spirit is certainly our guarantee.

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I agree Geri — scripture does not teach a works salvation or a salvation that you can loose.  Christ did it all, and there is absolutely nothing we can do except repent of our sin, believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (the Son of God or God incarnate), who paid the penalty for my sin by his death on the cross as the sacrificial Lamb. Oh and I remember several of those songs — oldie but Goldies!

I haven’t listen to JD Faraq in several months (personal reasons) but my husband was YouTube surfing and went to their site and say that Billy Crone (he is always awesome) was preaching on the Rapture — both of these videos are incredible and well done, but the second one on the rewards will really get you excited for what we know is coming! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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