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My perspective on time, times and half time, and their relationship to 1290 days

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I just did another calculation. This time I used the same pattern again, and worked on 2022 to 2029 timeline. "Half time" occurs on Iyyar 20 2029. Iyyar 20 is not significant at all. I doubt if Jesus shall return on that day. So far out of 2020 to 2027 timeline, 2021 to 2028 timeline, 2022 to 2029 timeline, 2020 to 2027 is the most significant because "half time" occurs on Sivan 6 2027. God descent on mount Sinai on Sivan 6. Jesus may follow suit and comes back on Sivan 6. Also, from Daniel's seven weeks prophecy, which may imply seven ( seven days) or simply 49 days, a commandment shall go forth to restore and to build Jerusalem when Jesus comes back on Sivan 6. Adding 49 days to Sivan 6, we come to the eve of Tammuz 26 the real Shavuot.  The restoration of Jerusalem is complete on this day. Celebration continues with an offering made to God the Father on that day. Jesus is the High Priest, with remnant of Israel and gentiles believers make up the two loaves of bread. Martyred saints shall also be resurrected on the same day. This should wrap up the horrible 7 years tribulation.

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Going back to Geri7 question of Trump's 4 years plan, I can see Trump's ambition there. "Keep me in office for another 4 years so that I can implement the four years plan". Other than this reason, I can't think of any for Trump to put a 4 years clause there.

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Good point 2nd Coming.   Trump is a successful business man and the art of the deal is to use strategy ... so to stay in office another 4 more years he pulled out his 4 of Spades Trump card as the deadline timeframe.   B-)


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Boy, good that he didn't put a 8 years clause there. Otherwise he may have to change the constitution to accommodate his three terms of presidency. LOL

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Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

This ten days of tribulation has intrigued many of us for decades. It can't be literal because there is no historical evidence to suggest early church believers have suffered a ten days of tribulation from the devil. This ten days has to be figurative. Using my previous post "time, times and half time" can explain this ten days.

From 2020 to 2027 timeline, I have calculated "half time" "dividing of time" falls on Sivan 6 2027. Anti Christ is given power and authority by God for "a time, times, and half time". It speaks of Jesus coming back on "half time" to crush his power and authority on Israelis. Simply put, Jesus is coming back on Sivan 6 2027.

The ascension of Jesus took place on Iyyar 25 32 AD after he spent forty days with his disciples. Since his departure, church has entered a tribulation and persecution era by the devil. Many believers who stood firm on their faith has been killed either directly from the devil or the devil advocates. This tribulation shall continue until Jesus comes back on Sivan 6 2027 and puts a stop on it.

From Jesus' departure on Iyyar 25, unto his second coming on Sivan 6, there are exactly ten days separating them. My conclusion is this ten days is the ten days of tribulation Jesus has spoken in Revelation 2:10.

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Let's say Jesus does come back on Sivan 6 2027, to calculate the rapture date, we subtract 2520 days from Sivan 6 2027, we come to July 17 Tammuz 25 this year as the possible date for rapture. This shall place the three shepherds war by June. God cuts them off in one month. It takes us to July 17. Then bangs, booms, rapture. Let's see if this is the case.

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What is so special about Tammuz 25? The real Shavuot falls on Tammuz 26. It was during this day Holy Spirit descent on the disciples. And Tammuz 26 begins on sundown Tammuz 25. If rapture does take place on sundown Tammuz 25, it means God is calling the church home together with Holy Spirit on the same date Holy Spirit descent on earth. Many of us have anticipated rapture on Shavuot/Pentecost, there we go, our wish may come true this year, except it is not Sivan 6, but Tammuz 26, the true Shavuot and Pentecost..

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I sense 2020 could really be the home going year!

I just posted this on the 2020 off to a roaring start- better buckle up thread.

From todays top headline news articles:

- Erdogan hits out @ Arab “treason” over Trump’s Deal of the Century

– Erdogan lashes out @ Gulf State for “betraying” Palestinians

– PA trying to mobilize Arab states against Trump Plan

– Trump ties & Iran fears – why Arab allies opting not to rebuke peace plan

– Gantz vows to advance US peace plan immediately if elected PM

– Not an inch:  Palestinians  @ Al-Aqsa vow to fight Trump’s plan

– Palestinians, troops clash in W. Bank  thousands protest Trump plan in Jordan

We got the G/M players upset and frustrated that they can’t convince their neighboring Arab muslims to reject the peace plan.  In their hatred/jealous rage I’m leaning towards they might try to take things into their own hands to disrupt the “peace” process by attacking Israel.  Will they dare do so while the church is still here?  In the past few weeks they sent a few missiles over to our embassy in Iraq.  I sense they are getting bolder.

A few high watch dates I have jotted down are:

March 8th   Watchman35 mention this day - something to do about an anniversary for Israel.  It also happens to be the day the NY Stock Exchange was founded and I was thinking perhaps the elite plan on making it crash on the same day of its birth?

April 1st  

April 12th (Easter)

May 31st (Pentecost)

I’m hoping the church disappears one of those high watch days but if we are still here for the summer that is fine too.   The way I see it ... the Middle East is a time bomb ready to explode at any given moment.  I truly can’t see us being here beyond year 2020.

I just found an old graduation picture of my grandmother.  Back then the average person graduated around 14-15 yrs old and those who wanted to be an Engineer, Dentist, Lawyer, etc. went on for higher education.  Her graduation class was June 1929 ... everyone in the picture looked so happy and life seemed so promising. Who knew 4 months later Oct 24th the stock market would crash and the Great Depression came roaring in and their dreams were shattered.

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I have always been partial to a Shavuot/Pentecost rapture.

I see Shavuot as the beginning and the end of the Church Age.

In that fashion, Shavuot was half fulfilled with the pouring out of the a Holy Spirit and will be totally fulfilled when Jesus/Yeshua comes to take His Bride home.

Then, the fall feasts will be fulfilled in rapid succession at the end of the Tribulation.

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I've always favored a Shavuot Rapture but for the last couple years, and as 2ndcoming points out, I have favored the fifty more days proposal.  But who cares what I think?  My track record stinks! Cry I stopped believing my own press releases a few years ago.

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