Maybe This is it
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Maybe This is it

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It has been bothering me that less than 2000 years passed after the Lord's death and resurrection till the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ in most of the educated speculations.

Simple calculation is that we assume the Lord died when he was 33 years old, many people were told Jesus was born in 2 or 3 BC. Let's say He was born in 3 BC, that gives us the year of His death and resurrection is 30 AD. 30 plus 2000 years of the New Covenant minus 7 year tribulation gives year 2023, still 3 years away.

But, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, in one of the programs of an adamant post-trib believer Jim Bakker show, said that Jesus Christ was born in 6 BC.

That gives us the year of His death and resurrection is 27 AD. 27 plus 2000 years of the New Covenant minus 7 year tribulation gives year 2020 for the Rapture of the Church.

Wow, This is it if Rabbi Chan is correct on this.

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Works for me!


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Not knowing exactly what year it is since the year Jesus was born definitely makes it impossible to pinpoint a year for the Rapture. However when Israel became a nation in 1948 that had to have started a countdown that we could at least get a timeframe from.

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I am leaning toward the real Pentecost rapture which falls on July 17 this year. Jesus has fulfilled Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruit. My belief is he shall fulfill the next feast which is Pentecost. Some say Pentecost has been fulfilled by Holy Spirit. It is only partially fulfilled. It shall be 100% fulfilled by Jesus.

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2nd Coming.  I have felt for a few years now that if the Rapture were to occur on a Feast Day, the primary candidate is Pentecost.  Can you please explain what you mean when you say "the real Pentecost" is July 17th?

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Watchman35,  I believe the traditional teaching of Pentecost/Shavuot falling on Sivan 6 is wrong. God commands Israelis to count another 50 days after Sivan 6 to reach the real Shavuot/Pentecost. Adding 50 days from Sivan 6 we come to Tammuz 26.

Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot

Leviticus 23:15 And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:

The morrow after the sabbath is Nisan 16. Seven sabbaths from Nisan 16 comes to Sivan 5.

16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD

The morrow after the seventh sabbath is Sivan 6. God told Israelis to number fifty days after Sivan 6. Adding 50 days to Sivan 6 comes to Tammuz 26. God commands Israelis to have a meat offering on Tammuz 26. Tammuz 26 is the real Shavuot/Pentecost. This year Tammuz 26 falls on July 18. Because of Jewish calendar, Tammuz 26 begins on sundown July 17. If we are looking for Pentecost rapture this year, it should be July 17 we are looking forward to.

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Also, if rapture does happen on Pentecost July 17 this year, adding 2520 days to July 17, we come to Sivan 6 June 11 2027 as the end of tribulation and Jesus' return to earth. Sivan 6 is the morrow after the seventh sabbath in verse 16. When God ordains the Feast of Shavuot/Pentecost, He could have said count yourself "100 days" from the morrow after the sabbath Nisan 15, which comes to Tammuz 26, and makes an offering on that day.

Why would God separate the 100 days by placing a seven sabbaths there, and stops at Sivan 6? Why is there an interlude on Sivan 6? My belief is Sivan 6 shall play a very important role in future, the second advent, besides God descending on mount Sinai on that day.
