Given the latest guesstimates, Mar, Apr and May are great high watch days! Again, I believe Apr 11th being the last possible day according to conventional understanding! Getting close people! TR :amen: We are Marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Zion Marching upward to Zion beautiful city of God! :whistle: Can’t wait to see His face! Or having a glorified body! Leaving all behind and experience the glory of God and Heaven! TR March is derived from the god of war, Mars. It was traditionally a time of battle for the Romans as it was the end of winter. Perhaps we will also have war in March. Some people think 322 scull and bones number means war on March 22. That very well could be. The luciferians do like their little number game. It will also be the 11th anniversary of the huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan on March 11th. 3 × 11 = 33. They still revel in Lucifer's rebellion and the 33% of foolish angels who died with him. They have already lost the war before it even began. May the humans following Lucifer repent before it is too late. :prayer-hands: Amen! TR *the 33% of the angels who rebelled with him. Though, I suppose died is appropriate too. Imagine my surprise when I was reading this Skywatch TV article and I came across this passage: So, given that nobody in the first century recorded the actual date of Jesus’ birth, how did the early church arrive at December 25? It’s a little complex, but it illustrates the motives of the Church Fathers, which did not include sneaking pagan worship into the faith. Second-century Latin Christians in Rome and North Africa made an effort to calculate the exact date of Jesus’ death. For reasons that escape us, they settled on March 25, AD 29.[13] (March 25 was not a Friday that year, nor was it Passover Eve, nor did Passover Eve fall on a Friday in AD 29, or even in the month of March.)[14] The March 25 date was also noted by early church theologians Tertullian and Augustine.[15] There was a widespread belief among Jews of the day in the “integral age” of great prophets, which means it was thought that the prophets of Israel died on the same day they were conceived. It’s not biblical, but that’s not the point. What matters is the early church believed it, and that’s how it was decided that Jesus was born in late December: Adding nine months to March 25 brings you to—you guessed it—December 25. Yes, it’s really that simple. Saturn and Saturnalia had nothing to do with setting the date of Christmas. Interesting. ? I never knew that some of the early church fathers thought that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead in March, 29 AD. Hmmm...the 2,000 anniversary of his death (according to some of the early church fathers) would be March 25, 2029. Minus 2520 days and you have May 1, 2022. Food for thought. Will try to find more information on this. :yahoo: Nice find! :good: Rapture in 2022 or bust! :popcorn
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