Lot's wife looked b...
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Lot's wife looked back...

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One can only speculate as to why or what she looked back upon!

Was she concerned with the accumulated wealth they could not carry?  Family members left behind?  Her reputation with family members or the community?  Given her home of Sodom and Gomorrah and the 3 other cities of the plain, perhaps a secret lover? Or a lesbian relationship?

Point is that whatever had captured her heart, it was enough to disobey God's direct order not to look back!

For looking back brings destruction!  Forsaking the provision, leading and future blessings of the Lord!

Why she looked back really isn't the issue.  The fact that she did, is!  How many of our family members and brethren are presently looking back?!

Now certainly seems to be the time to declare, no looking back.  Let go of the fear and unbelief!  Move forward with the Lord or get left behind!


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Today I was in Bed Bath and Beyond ... I was sick to my stomach as I saw 2 lesbians holding hands and kissing inside the store.  Then I saw 2 guys showing affection in another dept ...  I thought what is this Sodom?!!   That was it ... I made a beeline for the exit doors and didn’t buy anything.  Their so called sale items weren’t any bargains ... Original prices are jacked up so even at 70% off its still waaay too high.  Before the virus outbreak I used to shop there and get bargains but not now ... they lost too much money and not too many shoppers out today on Saturday.

Why did Lot’s wife turn her head and look back at Sodom?  I’m leaning now she might not have been saved.  This verse is very telling ...

II Peter 2:7

”And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:“

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While there are lots of potential answers, she threw in her lot with Sodom,  I guess.

She liked her lifestyle a lot,  to say the least. There is a lot more I could say but I'll stop now.


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Again the question becomes how sold out are we?  Am I willing to forsake ALL for Christ?!

True in her day, true today!



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LOL  ... or it could of been all Lot’s fault ... perhaps he said “can you see if anyone is following us?” 😉

After reading the instructions again ... it wasn’t just don’t look back but don’t stop walking in the valley ... escape to the mountains (the Rock symbolic of Jesus).   Faith requires both feet, and no straddling.  I’m sure Mrs. Lot started to lag further and further behind from her family ... perhaps even complaining and had second thoughts about leaving ...

Genesis 19:17 “When they had brought them outside, one [of the angels] said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you, or stop anywhere in the entire valley; escape to the mountains [of Moab], or you will be consumed and swept away.


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Bad enough Lot had to dicker about where their place of refuge would be!

Sadly, I've heard over the years so many people set pre-conditions on God!

Saying if Heaven doesn't have thus and so, I don't want to go!  Really!

And many give lip service saying all I need is Jesus, plus whatever!


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Good one Geri7, Lot was responsible!  Let's face it, he was indeed the picture of a compromising church!

