Lisa's Vision Expla...
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Lisa's Vision Explained 11192

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Lisa's Vision- 11192.   Explanation:  Three ones sounds like 3/1.  Then slide the 9 in, so you have 3/19.  The 2 stands for a double number year, ex: 1919, 2020, 2121, etc.  So we go with 2020 and we have  3/19/2020

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I could get with that, dave dave.  :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

I'd believe it if someone in the know claimed that there have been at least 11192 different interpretations of possibilities for Lisaleenie's date.

I wonder if she imagined the amazing life that her original post would eventually take on. :unsure:

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This is my another attempt to interpret 11192. Hope this time works. :unsure:

Pope Benedict is 111th Pope. 111 points to Pope Benedict. 92 points to his age. He was born on April 16 1927. Currently he is 92 years old. By this April 16, he shall turn 93 years old. May be something big will happen after April 16 this year?

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Indeed after all this time, it seems to me that if this vision were given to Lisa as a heads up for the Rapture's timing or date we would have all acknowledged that by now.  At least we would have a reasonable assurance of it.

It does seem that it was a personal dream for her.  God speaking something to her spirit.  From the time she had revealed the dream until her passing was that 11192 days?!  Indicating that she would be leaving this Earth???


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Besides Lisaleenie's 11192, on the old RITA website, we also discussed Charity's 5,6,7 Jesus. 5, 6, 7 may point to May, June, July, with July being the month for rapture. God gives us a two months warning before the rapture. When we add 5 , 6, 7, we get 18. Combining July and 18, we have July 18 which is Pentecost Tammuz 26 this year in Jewish calendar. Tammuz 26 begins on sunset July 17.

She also saw the number 11. There is a hand kept tearing down the number 11. But the number 11 kept coming back. On my timeline, I have  second advent on June 11 Sivan 6 2027. The number 11 she saw may be the day Jesus comes back, and no one can escape Jesus' judgment on that day.

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Veiled and enigmatic encryptions given to such a small number of people doesn't seem as likely divine revelations.  Especially with regards to important prophetic events!  We can hardly be aware of all that exist from any number of dreams driven by the imaginations of people.  Certainly if given to people that would garner no international attention, let alone set the prophetic world on fire. IMHO



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I also think March 29 fits.    11192.   Reverse the 9 and 2 to get March 29.   I think March 29,2020

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Revelation 12:      1.   Pregnant woman sign occurred on Sep. 23, 2017.    2.   Red dragon sign, which I think is the coronavirus.  and   3.  The birth of the child, a.k.a.  The Rapture



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Ok here is a theory to ponder on Lisa Leenie’s mystery date ...

She was given a scroll by the angel with the numbers 11192 and was told that was a date.  Don’t the Jews read scrolls/books from the right side to the left ... so could it be ... we need to read this date backwards?  If so ... then 11192 should be:  29 + 111 days.   This year happens to be a leap year ... so could the number 29 represent - Feb 29th as the start date and then add 111 more days ... it will take us to June 19th as a possible rapture date?  Ironically June 20th is when Summer  begins.

Then I thought of this verse ...

Matthew 24:32
“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh”




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Good one Geri 7!

Bless your heart for you love Him!


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