LIGHT DISPELS THE DARKNESS Every day I’m forced to suck up my pride, To take my ego and set it aside; The deaf don’t want to hear, nor the blind to see, They would rather proceed into Hades rather than listen to me. For family and friends it’s much easier to fight, Than to hear about Peace, or what may be Right; The ignorant perceive that they know it all, Oh, how the haughty will stumble, and the mighty will fall. Lord, how much longer will this roller-coaster last, Until You put our mortality into the distant past? Please help us off from this turbulent ride, And free us from arrogance and all selfish pride. Life is chaotic and gets tougher by the minute, Our Destiny awaits us and we’re eager to begin it. Please don’t tarry, we’re ready to roll, For you to transform our body and save our mortal soul. Your Heavenly Light will dispel darkness at dawn, And the lingering shadows will soon pass us on. Pain and anguish will be nothing but faded remnants, And our earthly life will soon have eternal semblance! Come quickly Lord! Humbly Irrelevant (and humbled by getting more irrelevant by the minute!) Well written bro! We shall indeed glory in what we leave behind, while yet being able to glory in what lies before us! I may may not always know, but God always knows what He is doing! TR In light of what is happening across the major cities of this country (where the lawless are attempting to unravel society, the anarchists are violently attempting to provoke the government, and the righteous stand by and do nothing), these verses that I wrote earlier this year keep echoing through my head again and again: For family and friends it’s much easier to fight, Than to hear about Peace, or what may be Right; The ignorant perceive that they know it all, Oh, how the haughty will stumble, and the mighty will fall. One day soon, this rebellious and immoral nation will have its wish because born-again believers will be removed from this planet. Chaos and mayhem will ensue, and the unjust will live in the world that they have been striving to establish for decades! Please come today Lord! Humbly Irrelevant (and humbled by getting more irrelevant by the minute!) Even the smallest light exposes much darkness! TR Lord, please hear our prayers, stir us in the Power of God's Truth, oh, yes~ , admonish us, to not fear daily move us, oh, Jesus to trust You ~ ~even more lately, make us humble ever kept close in the Father's Light and especially when we stumble our intercessions, are kept in Your sight ~ for it is Your will to answer without measure ~ yes . .cause us to realize this is not our fight oh, the Power is Yours, Lord, yea, Living Word You ARE the greatest display of Love revealing to us God's infinite Sacrifice, thank You, LORD, oh, Father above ~~ ~ ~ showing us Your will, giving us Christ ~ Remember, this little light of mine! Not casting our Pearl's before swine, let us continue to be led by His light! TR I must decrease so He might increase. Very good, Humbly! Nicely said Humbly! I smell Soros in the MN events, they have stated that many of the rioters are not from the area, anarchy .... President just talked about this event during his NASA speech. :prayer-hands: Thank you Donna, TR, Arthur, and Tammie! And by the way, I agree that Soros is not only in the MN events, but he is also in the Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. events. He is a globalist that sold the Jewish people out in WWII and he is trying to do the same now with the U.S. The people on this earth will soon have their One World Government, Martial Law, and no freedom. I hope they enjoy themselves! NOT!! Still Angry, but always Humbly Irrelevant