I have seen some speculate that the rapture is the first day of the 4th month because of that verse. Others think 4th day of the 4th month because of it. That is coming up depending on the calendar and first day of the year. Possibly around July 10? 4 represents a door. This video is from March 2020. From 3.5 min to 12.5 min. -Fair Use- And John saw an open door, then was called up! ????hmm???? TR As Tammie said: the answers are probably right in front of us Yep … perhaps we can figure this out after all … got a feeling it helps to brainstorm the clues with drinking lots of Ovaltine like Ralphie but its so brutal hot … I’m getting brain freeze instead from eating the fla-vor-ice sticks. :wacko: Ok … I’m confused about this part … the “4th month” … isn’t the new year considered to be Rosh Hashanah? So wouldn’t the 4th month land in December vs. July? :unsure: And do you know what calendar the guy in the youtube (is his name Paul?) is using? There are 4 different new years in the Jewish calendar. A civil new year, a religious new year, a new year for trees and the other one that I can't remember. Jesus also said.." do you not say " after four months then comes the harvest, but I tell you open your eyes the fields are ready for harvest" John 4:35....so after four months? Geri — no not to the center of the earth — earth as a planet is truly irrelevant — God’s Kingdom is much more an probably much larger than our known space, time continuum can hold. The “door” to heaven may be a form of a portal — we will all see soon! :prayer-hands: 4 different New Years per calendar year?! Ay yi yi :wacko: quickly backpedaling out of this brainstorming circle … carry on B-) I’ll take the month of July for early departure on Flight 777. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn I am excited to read his book as well and do some correlation between scripture and the book of Enoch. Course, if God chooses to blow that trumpet first, I certainly will not be upset :mdrmdr: :prayer-hands: Actually in this video, he was talking about the Gregorian calendar April 4 because in 2020, Nisan 10 fell on April 4, so he thought that was very interesting. But going on in the video he points out that Exodus 12:2 establishes Nisan 1 as the beginning of the year.