Jack Kelley teaches the same thing about how Matthew 24 is intended for Jews only and not Gentiles. https://gracethrufaith.com/end-times-prophecy/the-three-questions-of-matt-24/ Jack Kelly too was / still is / a specially-gifted saint. Thank you, Lord, for upholding and teaching us. Also for the internet, come to think of it. :mail: Thank you, Rick. :good: Thanks Rick, Jack Kelley does a nice job explaining the Olivet discourse that it is to Israel. Something else that people have been mislead with is the so called "Great Commission" in the gospels saying this is what the church is to spread. If you read what the Lord said it was to the Jews alone and was the gospel of the Kingdom much like what John the Baptist preached. What preachers in churches today should explain is our great commission is not the marching orders in the Gospel accounts and Acts, but is actually given in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. This is the gospel message that we are ambassadors of; this is our great commission. :bible Phil The reconciliation with God message is just slightly different from the Great Commission in the eyes of most preachers. A pledge to diet, I did make. So, I will not eat your pie or cake. When the Millennial age doth break, It is then that I will gladly partake. (Apologies to Humbly, the real wordsmith.) Sounds like a diet I wouldn't like. I am currently dieting but can have cake if I adjust my points accordingly. “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” Cake is edifying! LOL :mdrmdr: We are all created unique. For me, cake is lb-ifying. 😛 My body is a temple, I cannot eat, All these savoury goods, so nice and sweet, For if I did, I soon would meet, My Lord in heaven with brass like feet. ---- This thread derail has gone on long, Apologies to Dan for this dance and song, My verse is bad is bad, oh so wrong, If judged, you'd have to sound the gong. The Gong Show??? ! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: This is what I believe., that our commission is to share only the gospel of grace, the gospel of our salvation thru Christ's death for our sins, burial, and his resurrection. Paul tells us that is the only gospel by which we are saved. (1 Cor 15:1-4; Eph 1:13-14). Paul warns against preaching any other gospel than this. (Gal 1:6-9) If these preachers are saying that our great commission is in Mark 16:15-18 then we are only preaching the gospel of the Kingdom with is demands under the Law, which is addressed to the Jews alone as a nation with its demands of repentance and water baptism. If these preachers, with all their good intentions, are saying this is our great commission to spread this gospel, which was intended only for the Jews as a nation, then they are giving the church the wrong gospel and a false gospel to preach. This is the main reason that I don't "join" or become a "member" of any local church because their flocks get spoon-fed wrong teachings like I said above. :yes:
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