Judge For Yourself
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Judge For Yourself

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Humbly Irrelevant
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They believe that I’m schizophrenic, a sociopath who believes in a lie,

But I don’t have split personalities -- then again, neither do I!

To form their initial hypothesis, and identify the root of my regression,

The experts asked the following questions, to establish the depth of my repression:

“If a bunny can lay an Easter egg, can the Maharishi be Santa Claus?”

“Do you ever hear bright colors? How about a ladybug’s applause?”

“Can we review your family history? Could your genetics be at fault?”

“You suffer the effects of eschatology -- maybe we can cure you with Gestalt.”

So I was diagnosed as delusional, for confessing my sins at the foot of the Cross,

And sacrificing all earthly desires -- which can only perpetuate into further loss.

I can’t argue that my faith is catatonic, and that my doctrine is monotone,

I love Heavenly delusions, and Rapturous hallucinations I condone.

Religion is considered a disorder, and Christianity a restrictive disease,

Sacred compulsions, obsessions, and visions -- heck, I suffer from all of these!!

I categorically pass through stages: active and residual,

They’ve diagnosed my numerous deficiencies -- I’m considered one messed-up individual!

I have annoyed all the analysts, because in therapy God’s Scripture I repeated,

A frantic cry echoed through the halls, “Forget about the zip code, he needs to be shock-treated!”

I thought the reason they sat me on their couch, was to discern the Light upon my face,

How was I to know that they'd quickly identify me as a hopeless mental case?

I don’t care much for inkblots, psychoanalysis is a drag,

Free Association only makes me wonder, if the Rapture will cause jet-lag.

I am convicted that Israel is the Promised Land, and that Jesus leads to Heaven,

To this they just laugh and scoff, and tell me to seek employment at a 7-Eleven.

Because I believe in the Resurrection, with the Bible as my witness,

They are trying to sequester me into an asylum, for my void of mental fitness.

They can form their own conclusions, I still believe in Jonah’s whale,

They can certify me as crazy, believing in a fairy tale.

They can lock me up and shut me down in a cell of padded foam,

They can take my car, steal my 401k, and evict me from my home.

They can do or say whatever they want, and continue to call me insane,

But they can never shrink my Eternal Salvation, or diminish the power of Jesus’ Name.


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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: H, you so crack me up! That was priceless. You need to frame that one and place it on a wall, so that, when we are gone they will realize who the true crazy is!

A good friend of my, a born again believer is the Director for a mental health program. We discuss such as this you quote, often. We have both seen the increase on what we classify as demon possession and Satan capturing the lost. It’s so very sad! Except by Gods Grace, that could be me.

thank you for the laugh! :prayer-hands:

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If loving God and desiring to be in Heaven is insanity, let me live in my delusions!  Stop the world Lord, I wanna get off!

Sadly they that often sit in judgment will be surprised when they themselves are judged.

But don't take the bait.  This isn't about sanity, reality or well being, but rather about spiritual blindness and hating of God just like the demons do!


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Yes indeed ... sadly the lost have this mindset ...

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”  I Corinthians 1:18

So thankful to have eyes wide open and trust in the finished work of Jesus on that old rugged cross and have been adopted into the family of God!


On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
The emblem of suffering and shame
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross
Till my trophies at last I lay down
And I will cling to the old rugged cross
And exchange it some day for a crown

To the old rugged cross I will ever be true
It's shame and reproach gladly bear
Then he'll call me someday to my home far away
Where his glory forever I'll share

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Proud to be a fool in the eyes of the World. :yahoo:


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For people who have forgotten or chosen not to use theirobjective powers of reason and rather rely on governments and experts, and those who have lost the ability to love anything or anyone other than themselves are being turned over their own reprobate minds!

This is not a matter of intellectual prowess but rather exploring the heights and depth of God's mind and heart.  Forsaking and exchanging the spiritual for the sensual and fleshly many have simply forfeited benefiting from God's grace, mercies and gifts!

Those that desire having a world without God will soon have their prayers answered.  It's called Hell!  For Heaven is more real than Earth, and it takes more faith to believe that God doesn't exist.

Believing in God only takes the faith the size of a mustard seed, but not to believe in God takes faith the size of a dinosaur or spaceship!


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I will remain a fool for Christ, to proclaim my faith and hold to the truth of my salvation. For my citizenship is in heaven. So I belong to a marvelous family of “insanely” joyful, peaceful, and rejoicing saints. :wacko:

TR you are so right, the evil shall certainly soon get what they long for, we will be gone and they can have this corrupt earth. Pray for those tribulation saints, they will need it. :prayer-hands:

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I can agree for interceding for those that will yet join our Heavenly family.  But for those that God will curse, I'll leave them in God's hands.

Loving what God loves and hating what God hates.  If I can avail myself of God's love, mercies and grace, I must also accept His judgments will be righteous!  Stupid is as stupid does!

Just as like the rewards that many shall obtain, so also many shall reap consequences for their choices.  My heart can indeed grieve for many and for those that I have known, but for billions upon billions that I never met or knew even existed I again must leave in the hands of God.


Humbly Irrelevant
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I agree with you all -- I would rather remain a lowly fool in the eyes of this mortal earth but stand tall and justified in the eyes of our Lord!

Jesus has our backs and it is always a privilege to know that fact!

God bless you all as we continue to get beaten-down in this godless world of egomaniacs.



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This is truly a time we are judged wrongly by our faith. What hurts my heart the most now are the many " christians" that rewrite and bend to the masses. Writing out all the things from God's word that they chose because it is now considered by many not socially politically correct. They are in for a rude awakening , as we are clearly warned about adding or taking away from God's word. Some are more than happy to take the word of God out of context then turn around and leave out the true, the truth about what God's word says rightly discerned and in context says. Heard how China took the bible and changed it to their political ideology , and boom, don't mess with the Lord Jesus. Have heard a group is changing His holy word to leave out what offends the LGBT movement. I have heard some " christians" defend this saying God says to love one another. Yes love, but true love is to tell the truth of the word of God and warn of  sin not pander to it. Have seen video of politicians  using His words , and falsely saying they pray for the ones they attack . These times we have been warned about. Now is the time to hold fast to the true and complete words of our Lord, not to be swayed by so called political social correctness but by the truth God has given us.                                          This is nothing new, as a teenager in the 70's I remember being called names for my faith, and attacked by ones using the word out of context. Being laughed at for believing in the flood, not accepting  Darwinism  as truth on and on. But I do admit these times our faith is being judged much more harshly, but we have been warned. Stick with His holy word, keep your faith strong, make His love your mission. Worry not about tomorrow  there is more than enough to do today. We are His children, the true church, the bride of Christ. The Holy Spirit has sealed us, our names are in the book of life. The eternity we will spend with our Lord Jesus, one day,maybe soon, all we suffer will be a distant memory that will fade away. Heaven awaits those of us washed clean in the Blood of Christ.

YBIC Blake


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